A practical no-nonsense approach that really works

Testimonial from Alfred (1) who had great hidden potential for meditation and spiritual growth that was just waiting for a spark to explode (sort of). His experience illustrates the quote in the spiritual filed “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.

He found my website on-line among other local organizations for Yoga and meditation. He felt that he found what he was just looking for. He attended only 3 classes and took off unbelievably on his own, like no other client.

He has been kind enough to e-mail his insights and experiences (2) and let me publish them under the pseudonym ‘Alfred’. I am learning from his insights. I was puzzled why with all his inherent wisdom, he needed to learn the very simple breathing and stretching techniques I teach. When I queried  him and asked for his testimonial he sent this wonderful description. This is the kind of endorsement I was looking for all these years. These techniques do help people like him with hidden potential, to make a simple beginning and then keep going on their own steam.  I am grateful to  Alfred for this feedback and his periodic insights and experiences.

“I am a middle aged businessman who in most all respects enjoys a good life.  I have enough money to keep me from worrying, my relationships with wife, family and friends are good and so is my health.  Despite all of my good fortune I was aware for some time of some missing element in my life.  I had always been interested in the human mind and have read quite a lot about cognition and psychology.  The one message I received over and over again was that the practice of meditation with mindfulness as a goal is something which many very credible people advocate.

I did a quick Google search and found Suryanarayana Chennapragada’s (CS) web site.  CS has developed a simple meditation technique which combines counting breaths and simple yoga to create a calming disposition.

I met with CS and took 6 (3) private classes.  Since attending those classes, I have only missed 2 days of meditation, both because of international travel.

I like CS’s approach very much because, not only is it immediately effective, but also because it is not steeped in any religious dogma or “new age” philosophy.  It is a practical no-nonsense approach that really works well for me.

I look forward to my hourly morning meditation.  It centers me for my busy days, allows me to turn off the noise in my head and enjoy the present and it has enhanced my personal relationships. “

(1) Alfred

Alfred (not his real name) attended three of my classes. He is a middle aged businessman. He found my website when he searched on-line for “Yoga classes”. His goals were self improvement, emotional peace with his grown up sons and to make his wife happy.

In his own words “I am new to meditation although years ago I took a few Hatha Yoga classes.  These classes were never successful for me.  I think the group dynamic blocked me from attaining any level of depth.  I have never read any books on meditation but since starting with you, I have, out of curiosity, watched a few YouTube videos on Hindu and Buddhist meditation.  I never really meditated formally before but have always been aware of the importance of mindfulness.  For example I have always found a strong link between smells and early memories.  Sometimes if I smelled something that evoked the past, I would try to go deep into that feeling.  That was about the closest I ever came to my current practice.”

In a very short time, he absorbed the techniques and the principles behind them. He added his own innovations with great insights  and practicing according to his own inclination, like no other client of mine till now.

More remarkable are his periodic and voluntary e-mails sharing his insights coupled with his progress. With his permission, I am posting his reports as individual blogs under a pseudonym. You can see his gradual progress by reading his blogs under the blog category “Alfred’s progress” (1).

(2) Alfred’s progress – Posts
(3) Actually he attended 3 classes but felt they were six. May be because we had a great rapport!
