Weather forecast

Weather forecast

Ckick on the picture to update the corresponding forecast

SMHI is the national weather service in Sweden. It provides the most detailed wind forecast for the entire Baltic sea.

Yr is the joint online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute ( and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Wind forecast

SMHI is the national weather service in Sweden. It provides the most detailed wind forecast for the entire Baltic sea.

Windy is probably one of the most creative site displaying extensive weather information worldwide.

EU weather network, one of the site using the best granulation model for wind forecast.

Synoptic charts

Synoptic charts from the UK Mountain Weather Service.

Synoptic charts from Meteo Consult Marine.

An interactive automated synoptic chart viewer from Weather Underground.

Another interactive synoptic chart viewer from the UK meteorological office.

Satellite pictures

"Visible" satellite picture over Scandinavia from Allmetsat.

"RGB" satellite picture over Scandinavia from Allmetsat.

"Visible" satellite picture over Europe from Allmetsat.

"Infrared" satellite picture over Europe from Allmetsat.

"RGB" satellite picture over Europe from Allmetsat.

Radar pictures

Real time radar picture over Scandinavia from the Swedish meateorological institute (SMHI).

Jet stream forecast

Jet stream forecast from the, providing valuable information on the movement of the air masses.

Aurora forecast

Realtime aurora forecast from the EU weather network

Norway light website provides realtime and advice for spoting auroras in Noway northern cities.