Karljohan Cep

The Karljohan cep (boletus edulis)or penny bun is one of the most famous mushroom in Sweden. Its name comes from the King Karl XIV Johan, the Napoleon general Bernadotte who was adopted by the aging king Karl XIII to become the king of Sweden. Mushrooms were not much eaten in Sweden before Bernadotte came and encouraged his people to eat them. It is easy to recognise with its brownish cap, porous undercap and a thick bulging stem. One close species of boletus is not edible because of its bitterness, but does not result in sickness. If in doubt, take a very small piece and discard if it tastes bitter.

Karljohan will be found always one to two days following significant rain on the picking spot, while the temperature remains relatively warm.


  • Fresh ceps can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days
  • Fresh ceps can be sliced and dried on an absorbing paper or in a dehydrator
  • Boiled ceps can be frozen


  • Pick
  • Brush and clean
  • Boil for one minute. Avoid overboiling to keep its crunchiness


  • Slice and fry in butter, with pepper, salt and garlic or onion
  • Mix in soups or sauces
  • Mix raw slices in salads