Dalhem church

Dalhem church is a medieval church in Central Gotland built during the XIII and XIVth century. The church underwent a complete restauration from 1899 to 1914.

The wooden pulpit dates 1637
Saint Olof
The central tainted glass window is the oldest on Gotland. The two side ones were added during the renovation in early 1900s'
Saint Eric

Above, Archange Michael weighing the souls. This is one of the original medieval painting remaing after the renovation.

Processional cross from the XIVth century
Adam and Eve chased from the paradise
The temptation of Adam and Eve
Cain killing Abel
Moses at Sinai mount receiveving the Tables of Law

Getting there

By public transport

Dalhem church is 20 km from Visby. It can be reached by bus or by bike.

By sailing boat

The Visby marina is the most convenient place to visit the medieval churches in Central Gotland.


  • Coordinates: 57.552998, 18.533928