Rock, or what?


Blå Jungfru, in the Kalmar straight, July 2017

An Ö if all what is bigger than the smaller ones appearing below. It has usually an area of five or more hectares.


Käringholmen, September 2015

A holme is a small rocky uninhabited island that may have some vegetation, but not more than one or two trees.


An old equivalent of holme.

Like in Svenska Högarna


A kobbe can be translated by islet, a small island made of rocks without or with very limited vegetation.


Utklippan, July 2017

A reef or a small rocky island. The Norwegian version of a skär is a sker, which has has given "skerry" in English.

Klubb, Klabb

Huvudskär, May 2017

Rocky islet


Utklippan, July 2017

A non steep rocky formation.



A smooth uninhabited rocky islet resulting from the erosion by glaciers, with no soil and vegetation.


Utklippan, July 2017

Very low stone at the level of the surface of the water. THese are the rocks where you can spot the seals.


Grundet, on the way to Huvudskär, June 2016

Rocks or sandbank under the sea level, shallow water. On the picture on the left, you can see the grundright at the elvel of the water. The post glacial land uplift has created those situaitons where an underwater grund becomes visible over time, but is not renamed.


On the way to Svensk Högarna, August 2018

Bränning, which may means fire as well refers to water splashing up on an underwater reef.

Fladen, flat

Östermarsfladen, Nåttarö, August 2017

A shallow water cove.


A stone in Swedish.