The Vendace, Coregonus albula, is freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae living in the lakes of northern Europe. The löjrom is the roe of the female vendace harvested at the time of the spawning season, from late September to late October in the north of the gulf of Bothnia, around Kalix. The European Union issued the first Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) for a Swedish food in 2010. It is commercialised as caviar of Kalix. It is found in delicatessen shops and cost above 20€ per 100 gr.
The typical way to have it is to fry lightly a piece of bread in butter, add a layer of sour cream, then same amount of caviar, topped with red onions sliced in small bits and finish with a squeeze of lemon.
Look at the video below for harvesting and preparation techniques.