Koster islands

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The Koster islands are a set of small islands oranised around the two main islands of Nord and Syd Koster. Most of the two islands are part of a nature reserve and fauna and flora are therefore protected. The north Island is to be explored on foot to the beaches and the unique geological features from the ice age on the west. The southern island is worth exploring by bike, with long beaches, forest and a view point at the Valfjäll church.

On the mainland, in Strömstad, where the ferry departs, there is an interesting stone ship site. Check exact location on the stoneship page.

Getting there

By public transport

Koster is accessible through a daily ferry from Strömstad, two hours away from Gothenburg by train. The crossing takes around 45 minutes. There are two landings on North Koster: Vettnet on the east side and Västra Bryggan in the Koster Strait. South Koster has three: Långagärde in the Koster Strait, Ekenäs and Kilesand. Tickets are purchased on board (cash only).

By sailing boat

The main marina, Bodpallen is on Nord Koster, in the straight between the two islands. There are 4 additional marinas including Vettnet on Nord Koster and Ekenäs, Breviks and Kyrkosund on SYd Koster.

Koster islands

  • Coordinates: 57.92390, 11.58607