ترجمة لامية السموأل

لامية السموأل بن عادياء

ترجمة: محمود عباس مسعود

If One's Honor

By: as-Samaw’al bin ‘Ādiyā’

Translated by: Mahmoud Abbas Masoud

إِذَا الْمـرْء لَم يُدْنَس مِن الْلُؤْم عِرْضُهُ

فَكـلُّ رِدَاءٍ يَـرتـدَيـهُ جـميلُ

If one's honor is not by meanness smeared

Every apparel he dons is beautiful indeed

وَإِن هُو لَم يَحْمِل عَلَى الْنَّفْس ضَيْمَهَا

فليـسَ إِلَى حُسْن الْثِّنـاءِ سَبيـلُ

And if he trains not himself to suffer and endure

Sweet praise is an impossibility for sure

تُعيّـرُنـا أَنـا قليـلٌ عَـديدُنـا

فَقُلـتُ لـهَا إِن الْكِـرامَ قليـلُ

She taunts us that we are few in number

I said to her: few are those noble in character

وَمَا قَلَّ مَن كَانـت بَقَايـاهُ مِثْلَنـا

شَبَابٌ تَسامـى لِلْعُلـى وكُهـولُ

No few people whose surviving traces resemble us

Both young men and old aspired for eminence

وَمَا ضَرَّنـا أَنـا قَليـلٌ وجارُنـا

عزيـزٌ وَجـارُ الْأَكْثَريـنَ ذُليـلُ

No harm in being few when our neighbor with might endued

While the neighbor of the numerous is defeated and subdued

لَنـا جَبـلٌ يـَحتلّـهُ مَن نُجِيـرُهُ

مَنِّيـعٌ يَرُدُّ الَطـرْفَ وَهْوَ كَليـلُ

Those we protect occupy our mountain, ever unassailable stays

Even the eye tires looking at it and reverts its gaze

رَسَا أَصلُهُ تَحْتَ الثـرَى وَسـمَا بِهِ

إِلَى الْنَّجـمِ فَرْعٌ لَا يُنالُ طُويـلُ

Its base, under the soil, securely fixed in place

Its tall, unscalable stature seeks the stars in the vast space

هُو الْأَبْلَقُ الْفَرْدُ الَّذِي شَاعَ ذِكـرُهُ

يَعزُّ عَلـى مَن رَامَـهُ وَيَطـولُ

It is the unique, stark white, famed mountain

That no one has yet been able to attain

وَإِنـا لَقـومٌ لَا نَرَى الْقَتـلَ سُبَـةً

إِذَا مـا رَأَتـهُ عَامِـرٌ وَسَلُــولُ

Being killed brings no shame to our soul

Even if it does to Amer and Saloul

يُقَرِّبُ حُبُ الـمَوْتِ آجَالَنـا لَنـا

وَتَكرَههُ آَجـالُهـم فَتَطــوَلُ

Our love for death brings it closer to us

While they hate it, living longer thus

وَمَا مَاتَ مِنَّا سَيـدٌ حَتـفَ أَنْفـهِ

وَلَا طُلَّ مِنَّا حَيـثُ كـانَ قَتيـلُ

A natural death is alien to our noblemen

Nor do we fail to avenge those of us who are slain

تسيـلُ عَلَى حَدّ الْظباتِ نُفوسُنـا

وَلَيْسَتْ عَلَى غَيـر الظباتِ تسيـلُ

Our souls on sword blades stream forth thither

And never by any other means flow, ever

صَفْوَنَا فَلَم نَكـدُر وَأَخلَصَ سرّنـا

إِنـاثٌ أَطَابـت حِـملْنَا وُفُحـولُ

We have maintained our origin undefiled, pure

Thanks to our chaste women and noble men, for sure

عَلَوْنَا إِلَى خَيـر الْظهـوَرِ وَحَطّنـا

لُوِّقـتٍ إِلَى خَيـر الْبطونِ نـُزولُ

To the best and greatest backs upward we ascended

Then to the greatest and best wombs downward we descended

فَنُحـن كَمَاء الْمُـزِن مَا فِي نِصابْنـا

كـهامٌ وَلَا فيْنـا يُعـَدُّ بـَخيـلُ

We are like pure rain, our substance of blemishes exempt

And no stingy niggard is ever found in our midst

ونُنكِـرُ إِن شِئْنَا عَلَى الْنَّاس قَوْلـَهم

وَلَا ينكـروْنَ الْقَوْلَ حَيـنَ نَقـولُ

We deny what others say, if we so choose

But they reject not our words, nor ever refuse

إِذَا سَيـدٌ مِنـّا خـلَا قـامَ سَيـدٌ

قـؤُولٌ لمـا قـالَ الْكِـرَامُ فَعـولُ

When one of our lords departs, another one takes his place

Articulate in word and action, like the nobility of the race

وَمَا أُخـمِدَتْ نَارٌ لَنَا دوْنَ طـارقٍ

وَلَا ذْمّنـا فـي الَنـازلِيـنَ نَزيـلُ

Our fire was never put out in face of a visitor at night

Nor a guest of ours ever deemed us lacking in esteem and might

وأَيـامُنـا مَشَهورَةٌ فـي عَدوّنا

لـهَا غُـرَرٌ مَعلـومَـةٌ وحُجـولُ

Our heroic days are well known to our foes

They bear distinguishing marks on heads and toes

وَأَسْيافُنـا في كُلّ شـرقٍ ومَغـربٍ

بِـها مِن قـراع الدّارْعيـنَ فلولُ

And our swords, whether in west or in east

Are blunted, striking enemies' protective coat

مُـعوَّدَة أَلَا تسَـلّ نِصـالُـهـا

فتُغمـَد حَتـى يُسْتَبـاحُ قَبيــلُ

Their blades are trained, that once drawn

Not to be sheathed again before letting the blood run

سَلِي إِن جَهِلـتِ الْنَاسَ عَنَّا وَعَنْهـمُ

فلَيـسَ سـوَاءً عـالـِمٌ وَجَهـوَلُ

Ask others, if you don't know, about us and them

A man of knowledge and the ignorant are not the same

فَإِنَّ بنـي الرَّيـان قطـبٌ لِقَومِهـم

تـدَوْرُ رَحَاهـم حَوْلَـهم وَتـجولُ

The Banu Arrayyan are the Polaris of their own

And their grinding mill ever revolves round their stone