Re-Implementing Your ERP in the Cloud

Author: Eric Vasbinder


From time to time it becomes necessary for cloud hosted customers to "re-implement" their ERP.  The reasons for this are somewhat varied, but most revolve around the ongoing evolution and growth of an organization that results in the current structure of their ERP implementation being less than ideal for future growth.  Re-implementing an ERP is not the simplest task in the world and usually involves performing a data extract, transform, and load, otherwise known as an ETL, from the old ERP implementation to the new one.

To enable this move to a newly re-implemented ERP in our cloud, there is a three phase process that must be followed:

Phase 1 - Destination Environment Standup

This phase involves the following steps:

Phase 2 - Testing, Configuration, and Validation

This phase involves the following steps:

Phase 3 - Final Move and Cutover

This phase involves the following steps:


Tuesday, 21 November 2023 at 02:39PM: