Uploading Data Into The Cloud with Azure Storage Explorer

Author: Eric Vasbinder


When uploading data into the Trimble Viewpoint Vista Cloud, you'll need to use a specific series of steps with a Microsoft tool called Azure Storage Explorer. This tool allows you to upload your databases from Vista, including records and images / attachments, as well as associated items such as an on-premise HFF/Keystyle database (if used), Crystal Reports, Templates, SSRS Reports, and more. The following lists out the steps to install and then use Storage Explorer to upload data into our cloud.

Part 1 - Installing Storage Explorer

Downloading Storage Explorer

  1. The first step to install Azure Storage Explorer is to go to Microsoft's web site to download it. To do so, please go to this URL: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/storage/storage-explorer/

  2. Select the Operating System your computer is running with (Windows, macOS, etc.), then click to download the file.

Installing Storage Explorer

3. Once the file has been fully downloaded, please click to open the installer.

4. The installer will now ask if you wish to install the tool for JUST your user account or for all users. If you are on a server and would like for other user accounts on that server to be able to access Azure Storage Explorer, then choose to install for all users: ADMIN RIGHTS WILL BE REQUIRED. If you only need Azure Storage Explorer for YOUR unique use, then click to install only for your account.

5. Please click accept on the next screen to accept the license agreement and then click Install.

6. On the next screen, you will have the choice to choose the installation directory for the tool. Please either leave the same or choose a unique directory.

7. Please choose if you want to Change the standard start menu location and click Next.

8. The tool will now complete the installation process. On the final screen, you will have the opportunity to run Storage Explorer. If you are ready to proceed to the next section, Part 2, please allow Storage Explorer to open.

Part 2 - Adding the Storage Container Key

Now that you have downloaded and installed storage explorer, you need to add the storage container key to the tool and connect to your single tenant environment's storage container.

  1. Open Azure Storage Explorer. If you have never connected to an Azure storage container before, you will be prompted to connect to an Azure resource. Please choose to connect to a "Storage Account or Service".

2. On the next screen, please choose "Connection String" as the method to connect, then click Next.

3. On the next screen, please paste the connection string in to the "connection string" field. Do not worry about the "Display Name" field; it will auto-populate after you paste in the string. Then Click Next.

NOTE: Your Transformations engineer will supply you with the necessary connection string.

4. On the next screen, you should see your Account name and keys shown, along with the pre-populated Display Name. If the values look correct, please click "Connect" to connect to the storage container.

5. If you are successful with adding your container, you'll see the screen like the below, with your new cloud storage container listed under the "Storage Accounts" folder.

Part 3 - Copying the Data

Once you have successfully added the connection string, you are now able to get to work to upload your files into the blob container.

  1. Click the arrow to the left of your newly added container, which should start with "v1c" if you followed the previous set of instructions.

  2. Then click the arrow to open the "Blob Containers" subfolder.

  3. Click on the container titled, "transformdata".

NOTE: If you do not see any containers under the "Blob Containers" folder, please reach out to your Viewpoint contacts for assistance.

4. You should now see on the right hand top side of the Storage Explorer tool a list of files that are currently stored in the storage container. If you have yet to upload any files, it will be blank.

5. Find the files that you would like to upload to the storage container and drag them to the file list area. A small text notice should appear near your mouse pointer that says, "Copy" with a plus icon.

6. Release the mouse button to begin the upload process.

NOTE: If you are uploading an entire directory of files, such as during go-live if you have image attachments stored in the file system on-premise, you may see a notice asking to overwrite those image attachment files. Do NOT overwrite, as doing so will take substantially longer than just allowing Storage Explorer to upload the delta differences (i.e. only the newly added attachment files).

7. The files will now upload, with the status and progress of the uploads tracked in the status window, "Activities", below.

8. Once complete, you'll see a notice at the bottom.

9. Once all files have been successfully uploaded, you may reach out to your Trimble Viewpoint cloud transformation team contact to let them know when it is done.


Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at 09:05AM:

  • corrected typo and mentioned that XF engineer will give customers the connection string.

Friday, 29 July 2022 at 11:47AM

  • Initial Posting