Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Integration Logistics

Support Status: Supported

Integration Method: Hosted SSRS Instance OR VPN to on premise server

Hosted: YES (Server ONLY for Vista and HFF related reports - Not SSRS Report Builder)

Additional Charge to Connect On-Premise SSRS Instance: NO - TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) (PREFERRED) / YES - IPSEC VPN


As per many other server-side integrations to third-party products, this product is designed to talk to Vista's database directly using ODBC. This connection requires that the Vista server be "visible" to the third party system. To that end, Viewpoint hosts TWO SSRS instances per each cloud environment:

  • Vista Instance

    • Used for Vista with VRL and has custom security auth turned ON.

  • HFFS Instance

    • Used to serve up SSRS Reports for HFFS's Report Library and has custom security OFF.


This is supported, however, to ensure that the two systems can communicate, we set up either a TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) (PREFERRED) or a server to server IPSEC VPN between our cloud and the customer environment.

Deployment Methodology

Additional SSRS Instances, other than the two that come with Vista and HFFS respectively, are not supported in our cloud. Thus, if a customer wishes to have an additional SSRS instance, the customer must continue to host it in either their on-premise environment or in another cloud. As a result, since this product and Vista will be on separate networks, a TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) or an IPSEC VPN is needed to bridge the gap between the two networks.

NOTE: SQL Server Reporting Services Report Builder MAY NOT BE HOSTED in our Trimble Construction One (Viewpoint One) cloud at all; it MUST be hosted externally.

tl;dr: Trimble Viewpoint hosts two SSRS instances with each customer's cloud environment: one for Vista and one for HFFS. Customers who need to integrate an on-premise instance of Microsoft SSRS with Vista in our cloud need to use a TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) or an IPSEC VPN.


Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 04:13PM

  • added fact that TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) is preferred and will work. Reorganized to show that SSRS Report Builder is a different beast than SSRS server instances, which we do host two of those.

Posted: 20 October 2020