Trimble Viewpoint One Vista VRL Cloud Network Standards and Testing

(How do I know if my network can handle hosting Vista using VRL in your cloud?  What are your network standards?)

Author:  Eric Vasbinder


This document has network standards and specific tests for Vista Remote Link (VRL) ONLY.

Users of our RDP Published Apps (VEC/RDP) and RDP Desktop (VFC) connections to Vista in our cloud MUST follow the instructions and standards located HERE:

Network Standards for RDP Cloud Connections and Testing Them 


These tests will NOT be valid if you are using NetSkope, zScaler, or any other cloud access security broker (a.k.a. Cloud Firewall).  

These tools route all internet traffic through their external Internet cloud, thus causing all traffic to exit from ONE specific point into the Azure cloud.  This will hide any potential latency issues and thus give you incorrect latency figures.

Please TURN OFF these tools temporarily during latency testing.

Vista VRL Cloud Network Standards

The requirements against which to validate are listed in Figure 1.  


The overall impacts of each level of network performance are:

* OPTIMAL:  With network latency, packet loss, and Bandwidth at these levels, your Vista performance experience should be near to the same as your on-premise performance.

** GOOD:  With network levels in this category, your Vista performance should be Good, but WILL be slower than on-premise for data entry, some report generation, and loading forms.  NOTE:  To increase form loading speed, please ensure you have Paging turned ON:  Enabling Vista Paging.

*** ACCEPTABLE:  With network levels in this range, your Vista client performance should be OK for most users, but your heavy data entry personnel and backoffice accounting staff may find the majority of client operations (NOT BATCH JOBS) to be measurably slower than on-premise.  These users may require the use of Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) to ensure their Vista client performance is suitable for their needs.

**** UNSUPPORTED:  At this network level, all operations will be significantly slower than on-premise.  Some users may find the usability improvements of VRL to be worth the speed hit, but many others will find the performance impact to be significant.  

Figure 1:  VRL Network Standards

^ Test using

^^ Test using PSPing (Windows) or TCPing / MTR (Mac OS X and Linux) 

^^^ PER USER BANDWIDTH (i.e. if you have 20 concurrent users, you'll need 20 x this amount) / Test bandwidth using

Why is Vista Over VRL in the Cloud Often Slower than On Premise?

When a customer is running Vista on-premise, the time it takes to get data back and forth between the client and the Vista server is quite small:  usually less than 5ms, pointing to a server down the hall.  However, when moving the server to the cloud, the physical distance increases significantly, sometimes over a thousand miles.  This will slow things down.  This is why latencies in anything other than the "Optimal" tier (shown above) will have an experience of slower end user performance as listed.

For more details, including an easy to understand analogy, please see the following Cloud FAQ article:  Are there any times when VRL might be slower than RDP?  Anything that stands out?  Any workarounds? 

Steps to Measure Network Performance Level:

NOTE:  The measurements must occur from the customer’s network; not a 4G hotspot.


NOTE:  Latency tests can also be performed directly to your VRL reverse proxy server using PSPing, TCPing, and mtr by using the VRL server's DNS name instead of the names shown in the following section.

Packet Loss

Upload and Download

To test these two areas of network performance, please ensure you are using either the web site for, or the Speedtest app, from the local workstation(s) of actual end users that will be performing your daily, heavy usage Vista tasks (i.e. "The 10 Key Experts").


Latency is the most critical of the items to test above, as with higher latency, performance of Vista hosted in VRL Cloud will suffer.  High packet loss can also result in poor user experience, as the network would need to “restart” requests frequently, resulting in lower performance as well.

If the latency is above 15ms, your performance will be slower than on-premise.  As your latency increases to 60ms, it is increasingly likely that the performance in your environment would be inappropriate for our VRL Cloud.  If this is the case, please investigate hiring a networking expert / consultant to review your network for performance problem spots.  In addition, utilizing other mechanisms to modernize and democratize your workflows, such as Vista Web for time entry, are highly recommended.

Tags:  speed test, speedtest, Azure speed test


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