
Support Status: APPROVED
Connection Method: IPSEC VPN Tunnel
Integration Method: Import Files (Manual and Automated) and ODBC
Hosting Location: Remote (NOT VIEWPOINT CLOUD)
Additional Charge: YES - a Standard IPSEC Server to Server VPN


Provides a means to track the status and usage of tools and equipment on jobs. The Integration to Vista enables the sharing of key list and equipment data from Vista and Spectrum to ToolWatch.

Integration Methodology:

This integration uses an ODBC connection to the Vista database that sends information to and from Vista.

Deployment Methodology:

We do not support hosting of this product in our cloud. As such, the customer must continue to host it in either their on-premise environment or in another cloud. As a result, since this product and Vista will be on separate networks, a VPN is needed to bridge the gap between the two networks. As part of the deployment of this tool, a SQL service account may be required to allow this tool to properly communicate to Vista. If needed, the customer may follow these instructions to set up a SQL Service account: I need a dedicated SQL account for my integration to Vista in your cloud. How do I set that up?

tl;dr: Customers who would like to integrate ToolWatch with Vista in our cloud need to host this integration outside of the Viewpoint cloud. The customer should ensure they have purchased an IPSEC VPN tunnel, which is then set up to connect the customer's Viewpoint cloud environment to the location where this tool is hosted.

NOTE: This integration is not approved for HOSTING the integration in our cloud; only a VPN connection is supported.