How can I edit SQL Agent Jobs?

Author: Eric Vasbinder


When moving into the cloud, customers are often concerned about how they can continue to create, edit, and delete SQL Agent jobs.  Though this is possible in our cloud, we do not enable non-Viewpoint users to edit SQL agent jobs by default.  To reiterate from another FAQ, we do not support giving anyone outside of our background-checked cloud personnel SQL SA (admin) level access:  What Level of Access is Available?  Root, SA, and Admin Access is Denied 

To that end, if customers need to have access to edit SQL agent jobs, they can either coordinate with our staff to edit those jobs or, if absolutely necessary, there is another way to move forward.

Enter the Operator

If a customer wishes to create, edit, and delete SQL Agent jobs that are owned by their account, they can easily do so if they have been assigned the SQL fixed database role known as SQLAgentOperator.  

To request this, a support case needs to be opened with our cloud support team and the name of the SQL account that should have this role assigned to it given in the case. 

Please note that this role ONLY works with a pure SQL auth account.  In addition, it ONLY gives access to jobs that are owned by that specific SQL account.  Under no circumstances can jobs owned by other users be changed or deleted by users with this role.   

Editing non-user-owned jobs can only be done by users with SA level access, which is not given to non-Viewpoint personnel.


Monday, 20 November 2023 at 11:13AM:  

Monday, 16 October 2023 at 08:06AM: