Aatrix (Tax Forms and Filings)

Author:  Eric Vasbinder

Support Status:  Supported

Integration Method (RDP Customers - e.g. VFC and VEC RDP Published Apps): Hosted Client

Integration Method (VRL Customers): Customer Hosted Client

Hosted:  YES (RDP Customers) / NO (VRL Customers)

Additional Charge:  NO

Product Description

Aatrix provides our customers with an easy way to generate tax forms and filings.  Paper forms can be printed directly from Vista at no additional charge, whereas e-Filing is available for a nominal fee.

Integration Method:

As a client-side app, Aatrix integrates with Vista by pulling information from the Vista client's connection to the Vista database.  Aatrix can either be hosted with Viewpoint on our terminal servers or hosted on the customer's own local workstations.  Which method is used depends on whether the customer is using Vista Remote Link (VRL) to connect to Vista in the cloud.  If the customer is using VRL, then all client-side applications remain hosted locally on the customers workstations, including Aatrix.  If the customer is conversely using our RDP-based solutions (e.g. Viewpoint For Cloud (VFC) or RDP Published apps in VEC), then we need to host Aatrix.

Using Aatrix in RDP Clouds (VFC / VEC RDP):

In this case, Viewpoint ensures that Aatrix is appropriately installed on the Terminal Server for each customer.

Using Aatrix in VRL Cloud:

In this case, the customer has no RDP capabilities, as with VRL, those are not needed; all client-side apps are run locally, on the customers own local workstations.  As such, the customer will be prompted to install Aatrix when needed.  The customer will need to ensure Aatrix is downloaded and installed on their local workstations for any personnel who need to generate tax forms.

If additional guidance is needed, the following support document will guide you through the installation of Aatrix as a VRL customer:  https://support.viewpoint.com/s/knowledgedetail?c__urlname=Installing-Aatrix-for-VRL-Customers 

tl;dr:  Customers who need to integrate Aatrix with Vista need to either host Aatrix with us (RDP Customers ONLY) or install Aatrix on local workstations as needed (VRL Customers ONLY).


Friday, 26 January 2024 at 09:59AM:  

Post date: Feb 4, 2020 1:21:40 AM