How Do I Change the From Email for Vista Notifiers

Author: Eric Vasbinder


Vista has the capability to send email-based notifications concerning various events that occur within the Vista system. For example, payroll paystub availability, Create and Send messages, AR reminders, and more. When used on-premise, these notifications are often sent out from Vista on behalf of multiple, specific users. However, when moving to the cloud, Vista's use of specific email addresses may cause issues with email security / anti-spam systems that will prevent email messages from being sent on behalf of specific users without those emails coming from the actual email account. A good way to help reduce the frequency with which this problem is encountered is to have Vista use a specific email address for the from field of email messages sent from and through Vista.

To that end, please see below for two means by which the specific email address for various notifications can be specified.

Configure Viewpoint Remote Service Form

Notifier Options in WF Notifier Job Manager Form

  1. Open the Workflow Notifier Job Manager Form, located under the Workflow -> Programs menu on the left hand side of the main Vista client menu.

2. Once opened, click the "Options" menu at the top, then click "Notifier Options".

3. In the next form, "WF Notifier Options", please enter the email from address from where notifiers should be sent.


Please note that without further configuration, some areas of Vista, including Create and Send, will still send email messages as if they are coming from the actual user sending the email message, not from this notifier address.


Wednesday, 25 May 2022 at 06:04PM

  • Initial posting