How do I turn on VRL access for users (either new or existing)?

Post date: Jul 23, 2020 6:20:32 AM

Once you are a cloud customer, you will also need to ensure, if you are using VRL in our cloud, that you have turned on the ability of that user to access Vista over Vista Remote Link (VRL).

This is pretty straightforward to do, however, the account that performs this action needs to have user edit privileges in the VA Admin User Profile form.

Here are the steps to turn on VRL for existing or new users in Vista, assuming you have the access rights to do so:

1. Login to Vista and browse to the Viewpoint Administration / Programs area.

2. Open VA User Profile.

3. Either create a new user, or select one in the Grid and click the Info tab.

4. On the right hand, lower side of the User Profile Info tab, there is an option called "Allow Vista Remote Link" login. Check it.

5. Click the disk icon to save this user.

You will need to do this for each user that you create, or existing users for whom you wish to enable VRL.