How do I test my VPN or TLS connection to the Vista Database?  Is there a firewall blocking me?

Author: Eric Vasbinder



Once a TLS Database endpoint or an IPSEC VPN has been set up between your on-premise environment and your new Vista cloud environment, you should test that connection.  In effect, you are testing to see if your local, on-premise systems such as Insight (Global) Spreadsheet Server, SSRS, and others can communicate to the Vista database in our cloud.  To ensure this, you need to understand a little about how your Vista database communicates to other tools.  Here are some key points:

If something is blocking port 1433 and 1434, you will be unable to communicate with Vista.   Well, what can block those?  A key item that many people forget about is that not only do you have to ensure that your TLS endpoint is set up on our end or that your VPN exists and is connected from on-premise to the cloud, you also have to ensure that no firewall rules are blocking your communications to Vista.  In many cases, a firewall rule has to be opened to allow your tools on premise to communicate to Vista on the channels (ports) that the Vista database uses:  port 1433 and port 1434.  

Please note that if you are using the TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN), you WILL also need to open communications on the custom port used by the TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN).

See this page for a little more specific detail:  Which firewall ports do I need to open on my end to allow us to "see" the Vista database hosted in your cloud?

Once the firewall ports are opened, what's next? ...Testing!

How Do I Test Connectivity to Vista Over Port 1433 and 1434?

Once you believe that you have opened the firewall to Vista on port 1433 and 1434, you need to test.  The easiest way to test this connectivity from a Windows workstation is to use the PowerShell "Test-NetConnection" command.  Another option is to try the "telnet" command to telnet to port 1433 and port 1434:  this option works all modern workstation Operating Systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Using PowerShell to Test IPSEC VPNs

NOTE:  This method is only applicable if you are running on a Windows 10+ workstation with PowerShell installed. 

  3.  If the test is successful, you will see at the bottom of the results list, "TcpTestSucceeded : True".  If the test fails, you will see "TcpTestSucceeded : False"

Using Telnet to Test IPSEC VPNs

From a Windows Workstation

Most of you are using Windows workstations to test and perform your operations - these are some good steps to test connectivity to Vista.

Open your Windows command prompt.

Use Telnet to Test

NOTE:  If you are running on a later version of Windows, the "TELNET" command may not be installed.  In this situation, Windows will give an error about Telnet not being a recognized command.

If Telnet is NOT installed, please use the steps on this page to install Telnet on your Windows computer:

OR (if you are not allowed to install Telnet on your local workstation)

You may download and use PUTTY without installing it (use the "standalone" .EXE file), a great third party Telnet application, for this test:

Results of Testing via Telnet

From a macOS System

From a Linux System

Please ensure that you install netcat or the telnet client using your package manager, such as "yum" or "apt".    Then use the command syntax listed in the links for macOS above to test connectivity to Vista's database.

Testing a TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN)


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