Will I get every Vista Service Pack and upgrade if I'm in the cloud?

Updated: Friday, 22 October 2021 at 04:37PM

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Short Answer: NO.

Longer Answer: Vista is a constantly improving product, which has regular service pack releases, approximately once every month, and two major releases per year, historically in the Spring and Fall. For our on-premise and cloud customers, we provide notifications of each service pack release as it happens. However, in the past we have had multiple customers disagree with the rapid pace of service pack deployments when we rolled out every Vista service pack to our cloud environments. As such, we decided to release every other service pack into the cloud, limiting the churn in our environments to only one service pack action every other month. Though this may result in cloud customers being a service pack behind on-premise customers, the more measured cadence of rollouts has received uniform approval and appreciation from most of our cloud customer base.

Specific, one-off upgrades may be requested and are handled two times per month in the evenings of the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month.

On a related note, our cloud customers will always receive major release updates of Vista before on-premise customers, ensuring our cloud customers always have access to the latest in powerful new features and capabilities before everyone else.

Note: if you wish to delay the installation of a major release, that is possible. Merely submit a case to cloud support after you receive the update notification, and we will remove you from the update waves for that release. Keep in mind however, that under no circumstances can we have a customer remain behind in our cloud on an unsupported version of Vista.