How do I Create a User Record In Vista to Allow for Vista Web Approvals

Author: Eric Vasbinder


Often times customers will want to give their end-users the ability to approve invoices, time cards, etc. inside of Vista Web.  Doing so requires that the end user who needs this access not only has access to Vista Web itself, through a PR company record, but that the user in question also has access in Vista.  This access in Vista is provided by creating a VA User Profile record for that user, so that they can be provided access according to Vista's security model.  This Vista account record is not the same thing as a full Vista account and will not count against your Vista office license limit.

The following instructions, the corporate IT administrator, through the process of updating an existing VA User Profile record to be appropriate for cloud usage, or creating a brand-new VA User Profile record.

IMPORTANTFor usability reasons, and the smoothness of this set up process, it is required that the email address specified for the user in VA User Profile is exactly the same as the email address specified for that user's Trimble ID account, the email address specified for the user in Vista Web, and any other Trimble Viewpoint product; the email addresses all must be exactly the same.

Creating a Vista VA User Profile Record

Here are the steps to create a user's account record in Vista:

1.  Log in to Vista’s VA User Profile form

2.  Click icon to create new user.

3.  Create a new user named “first.last”For example, John Doe’s account would be john.doe

4.  Since this account is ONLY intended for use by a non-Vista user (i.e. no Vista client access will ever be needed by this account) you should change the User Type in the dropdown in the upper right of the Info tab from Vista only to "User Application".  Doing so will allow this new account record to not apply against your Vista office license limit.

5.  Enter user's PR Company Number AND Employee number into HR Employee Details section.

6.  Click Save

NOTE:  Please UNCHECK "Allow Vista Remote Link Login" above if it is present, as this account record will NEVER need to access Vista directly.

(Please note that this option is usually rarely found in our cloud these days, as it was removed from Vista several versions ago.  The reference is only included here for completeness sake).

7.  You will get an alert that Vista needs to create a SQL account for this user - PERFECT.  This is exactly what we need.  Click Close on this alert.

8.  Enter the password to create the SQL User - set a strong password please.

Once complete, your new user profile record in Vista will be created and available for use with Vista Web.

Updating an Existing VA User Profile Record

Often times when transforming into the cloud, you may have existing VA User Profile records that were used on premise for HFF / Keystyle.  To prevent these user records from counting against your Vista office license limit in the cloud, you will need to convert these user records in VA User Profile to the user type of "User Application":  remember, these users will never need access to Vista itself..  To do so, please follow the next few steps: 

Please see the screenshots listed previously in this FAQ article for more details about these steps.


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