Business Information Group (BIG) Custom Integration: Western States Harddollar

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Support Status: Supported

Integration Method: SSIS Package

Connection Method: HOSTED


Additional Charge: YES - Application Management Fee


As per many other server-side integrations to third-party products, this product pulls information from Vista's database directly using ODBC. In addition, this product needs to send information on a regular basis to the vendor's cloud.

Deployment Methodology:

The method used to enable this regular send of information is through an SSIS package that is installed on the Vista server. We require the addition of an Application Management Fee in to your contract to compensate for the additional time in managing this package.

tl;dr: Customers who need to integrate BIG's custom developed integration to Western States Harddollar with Vista in our cloud need to request the hosting of their SSIS package on our Vista server, and pay for an Application Management Fee.


Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 11:54AM

  • Added changelog; improved formatting; title (not URL) change.