SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - Client Side App

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Support Status:  Supported

Integration Method (RDP Customers - e.g. VFC and VEC RDP Published Apps): Hosted Client

Integration Method (VRL Customers): Customer Client with VPN

Hosted:  YES (RDP Customers) / NO (VRL Customers)

Additional Charge:  NO

Product Description

Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio allows for system administrators, report writers, and others to directly access a SQL database and update tables, custom fields, triggers, stored procedures, and more.

Integration Method:

As a client-side app, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) can either be hosted with Viewpoint on our terminal servers or hosted on the customer's own local workstations.  Which method is used depends on whether the customer is using Vista Remote Link (VRL) to connect to Vista in the cloud.  If the customer is using VRL, then all client-side applications remain hosted locally on the customer's workstations.  If the customer is conversely using our RDP-based solutions (e.g. Viewpoint For Cloud (VFC) or RDP Published apps in VEC), then we need to host SSMS on our terminal servers for you.

Using SSMS in RDP Clouds (VFC / VEC RDP):

In this case, Viewpoint hosts and then publishes this application as a published / remote app for each end user who needs SSMS access.

Using SSMS in VRL Cloud:

In this case, the customer has no RDP capabilities, as with VRL, those are not needed; all client-side apps are run locally, on the customers own local workstations.  In this case, SSMS would be installed on each local client workstation that needs to use SSMS.  Of course, for SSMS to be able to talk to the Vista database in this situation, a VPN will need to be set up between the customer's environment and the Viewpoint network.  Now that the TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) is ready, we recommend that approach.  If needed for other reasons (i.e. direct SMB file system access for autoimports), an IPSEC VPN may also be used.


tl;dr:  Customers who need to integrate SSMS with Vista need to either host SSMS with us (RDP Cloud ONLY) or use the TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) or IPSEC VPN and have SSMS installed locally (VRL Cloud).  If the customer is using VRL Cloud, they'll need to have a VPN set up to connect their network to the Viewpoint cloud and create a dedicated SQL account for each user.  Firewall ports will also need to be opened:  UDP port 1434 and TCP port 1433 for those leveraging the IPSEC VPN or the custom port for the TLS Database Endpoint (TLS VPN) if using that method.


Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 09:22AM:  

Monday, 04 April 2022 at 04:34PM

Post date: Apr 14, 2020 7:07:32 AM