Adding Additional File Types into VRL Reports

When .RPT Files Alone in RP Report Titles are NOT Enough

Authors:  Javier Carmona and Eric Vasbinder

Applicable ERPs:


Throughout the history of Vista version 6 and higher, customers have used the "Viewpoint Repository" folder to store and edit Crystal Reports files, Document Templates, and to push Automatic Imports into Vista.  When customers move in to our modern, Vista Remote Link (VRL) based clouds, direct access to the Viewpoint Repository goes away.  Why is that?  Well, though customers who are using our VRL-based clouds have access to powerful new technologies, there are a number of security advantages that come with the adoption of the VRL.  Specifically, we can now isolate the Vista database server from many security threats by forcing most access through the rich client.  

However, as part of the process of setting up these security improvements, we realized that customers still needed to have the ability to easily access various file types within the Viewpoint Repository:  to upload them, download them, rename them, etc.   To that end, we created the File System API, which is accessible through the RP Report Locations form in VRL clients.  This form allows for users to directly access the report folders in RP Report Locations and to drag and drop files to and from the RP Report Locations through the Vista client itself, without needing direct File Explorer style VP Repository folder access.  The following Cloud FAQ article has details about using this form to upload and download Crystal Reports files:  How do I upload Custom Crystal Reports to Vista in the cloud?  (VRL Method) 

By default, for security reasons, this RP Report Locations method to manage files in the VP Repository is limited to Crystal Reports .RPT files only.  If you try to upload a file of a non-supported file type, such as XLSX, Vista's client will give you an appropriate error.  

However, some customers also need to allow for uploading, downloading, and managing additional file types, such as XLSX, XLSM, XLS, and PDF.   To that end, please see the below for instructions on how to enable Vista to allow you to use RP Report Locations to manage additional file types.

Steps to Enable Addition RP Report Locations File Types in VRL

Figure 1:  Go to Viewpoint Admin -> Programs -> VA File Extension Allow List

3.  When the form opens, please click on the empty row at the bottom of the grid so that you can begin to enter a new file type.  You can also click on the "New Record" icon in the toolbar to begin as well.

Figure 2:  Begin to create a new record - click "New Record" button or on the empty, bottom row.

4.  Type the file extension for the new type you'd like to allow through VRL RP Report Locations.  In this case, we will use PDF as an example, but other types, such as XLSM, etc. can also be added.

5.  You are welcome to add a description as an optional step to describe the file type added.

Figure 3:  Add File Type and, optionally, a description

6.  Click the Save button on the toolbar.

Figure 4:  Click Save button

7.  Grab a libation!  You're Done!

NOTE:  If you remove any new, additional file types you will see an error in RP Report Locations if you have left any of those file types in the actual RP Report Location.

In other words, don't remove a file type from this allowed list until you've also removed all of those files from Vista.

Next Steps

Now that you have added a new file type to the allowed list, you merely need to use the method as described in the previously linked cloud FAQ article (How do I upload Custom Crystal Reports to Vista in the cloud? (VRL ... ) to upload the new file types into Vista report locations.


Friday, 13 October 2023 at 09:50AM:  

Friday, 13 October 2023 at 09:34AM: