Imports-based Tools: The Fleet Office, HCSS Heavy Bid, Bid2Win (B2W) Estimate, mJobTime

Author: Eric Vasbinder


Support Status: Supported

Integration Method: Imports

Hosted: NO

Additional Charge: NO

Connection Method: None for manual imports / IPSEC VPN if automated imports are required


As per many other server-side integrations to third-party products, this product is designed to use imports into Vista to provide new data into a customer's Vista database.

Imports are to be used manually via the Vista rich client, and/or the VPN for auto-imports.

tl;dr: Customers using Vista who need to integrate any imports-based solution with Vista in our cloud need to use either manual imports of files in the Vista rich client, or auto-imports. Automated imports require the IPSEC VPN.


Wednesday, 22 June 2022 at 09:03AM

  • Updated to add abbreviation for Bid 2 Win (B2W) and connection method bullet

Post date: Feb 18, 2020 10:47:22 PM