Checking and Subscribing to Cloud Status

Updated: Thursday, 29 July 2021 at 04:09PM

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Determining the status of your cloud environment is often top of mind for our customers. Seeing the ongoing reliaibility of the Viewpoint One cloud, and being promptly informed with things go awry, are critical for effective use of our cloud.

To that end, we have created a full fledged status page at our main Viewpoint site:

This "Status Page" will not only show the ongoing status of our Viewpoint cloud offerings, but will allow you to subscribe to real time updates in the event that issues occur.

Please see below for detailed steps on how to subscribe to an update.

Subscribing to Updates

  1. To subscribe to Status Updates, please click the blue "Subscribe to Updates" button in the upper-right hand corner of this status page.

  2. Then choose whether you would like updates via email, Twitter, Chat, or RSS feed.

  3. Then enter your contact information as needed and click "Subscribe".