Business Information Group (BIG) - Cozyroc-based Kronos Synch Connector

Author: Eric Vasbinder

Support Status: Supported

Integration Method: Automatic Imports Through Pickup Directory

Connection Method: SFTP from Kronos Cloud (optional SMB to Vista Pickup folder)

Delivery Method: SSIS Package with Auxiliary Cozyroc Plug-in Libraries

Hosted: YES

  • Hosting Location: Vista Server (usually D1) - This is an SSIS package, thus it can be installed directly on the Vista server

Additional Charge: NO

NOTE: This is a bespoke, one off connector, created and approved for a single customer instance ONLY.

Please contact your cloud representative at Trimble Viewpoint for additional clarification.

Product Use Case:

Synchronization of Time-Keeping information from Kronos to Vista.

Similar Products:

This product is similar in operation and feature set to AboutTime, Trimble Viewpoint's HR Portal, and Trimble Viewpoint's Field Management

ERP Connection Overview:

As per many other server-side integrations to third-party products, this product is designed to talk to Vista's database by obtaining import files (e.g. CSV files) from the third party solution, which are placed into Vista's autoimport pickup directory. This connection requires a data connector "shim" program that can communicate with the third party, parse the resulting information, create the appropriate CSV files, then place them in the Vista pickup directory.

Deployment Methodology:

This product consists of an SSIS package and a set of simple SFTP extensions called "Cozyroc". Trimble Viewpoint will host this package and extension in our cloud upon customer request. Please submit a cloud support case to have this installed.

Detailed Instructions:

    1. Customer: Submit a cloud support request to have this SSIS package and Cozyroc extension installed.

    2. Viewpoint: Install SSIS Package and Cozyroc extension.

    3. Partner or Customer: Configure package to pull data from Kronos via SFTP and to place the resulting import files into the Vista pickup directory.

tl;dr: This "shim" component may be hosted in the Trimble Viewpoint cloud. Customers wishing to use this tool must submit a support request to Viewpoint cloud support. The customer and/or partner then configures this solution to point to Kronos and to the pickup directory.


Wednesday, 22 September 2021 at 08:51PM

  • Updated to add note about where the physical bits should be installed

Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 04:05PM

  • Added note about where the bits are installed