Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post date: May 25, 2010 3:09:23 PM

9:00 am MDT

Sorry for the lack of updates, everybody... I've had one hell of a time getting attached to the Internet while here in South Dakota, and then a myriad of computer-related problems yesterday just made it even tougher. I've gotten online long enough to get this message out to you, but that's about it, so here's the Reader's Digest version: Yesterday we saw at least six tornadoes, including a wedge tornado that crossed a road right in front of us --- less than a quarter mile away --- with us being battered with hurricane force winds while in the inflow. We were safe... other than having severe difficulties standing up!

Anyway, more on that as the opportunity presents itself. For now, you'll just have to settle for that description! As for today, we will likely take in some local points of interest. Which ones? I'll let you know later!

11:00 pm MDT

Wow, what a day! After all of the busy days that we've had recently, I figured today would be a "Let's visit some local points of interest." Well, lemme tell ya, we had to RUSH MORE today...

...to see some DEVIL-ish TOWER structure...

...and along the way, we pissed off some of the locals!

Tomorrow, though, it looks like we'll be back on the road, potentially chasing up in Montana and North Dakota. More on that later.................