Sunday, May 9, 2010

Post date: May 9, 2010 2:41:34 PM

9:30 am CDT

Today I won't even hazard a guess as to what we're going to be doing. I have no clue whatsoever! I --DO-- know that tomorrow, we will be outta here. Our destination? It's still undetermined, but popular opinion is that we will likely head north and west when we leave the Oklahoma City area, making an approach to cells of interest easier. We'll also want to optimize our road options... for the same reason. Assuming that the weather patterns continue as they are now, we should have lots to see tomorrow! Here's how the SPC sees it now:

I will be posting some "just-for-fun" pictures from yesterday a little later.

Oh, and here's our travel map for the first full week of chasing:

12:15 pm CDT

Pictures from yesterday are available now. Go HERE for those.

10:45 pm CDT

Well, not a whole lot to report for today. It was an uneventful Sunday, primarily used for recharging my batteries (both for my electronics AND for my body) prior to tomorrow's highly anticipated chase day. (I won't bore you with a travel map for today, either. My "travel" consisted of roughly 1.5 miles of walking... to breakfast, then Wal-Mart and to dinner, which was a fantastic Peruvian/Mexican place called Mamaveca, just a short distance from our hotel. (We will DEFINITELY be going back there! The Ceviche Mixto is fantastic, as is the Peruvian Paella! Mmmmmmmmm...)

Anyway, tomorrow will likely be a very long day, going well into the night. We are concerned about the sheer numbers of chasers that will be out there tomorrow, but we'll just have to keep alert and be extra careful as a result.

So that's about it for now. There are just a few pictures from today, too... which may be found HERE.