Sunday, May 23, 2010

Post date: May 23, 2010 2:20:33 PM

9:10 am CDT

Yesterday was a phenomenal chase day! We saw five tornadoes (well, actually I saw four, but several of my cohorts who were in the front seat --- while I was stuck in the back --- saw a fifth one... a quick little spin-up) while in South Dakota. My first South Dakota tornadoes! Woohoooo!!!

So now will we have more good luck? We shall see...

And there are a few pictures from yesterday, too! See them HERE!

For now, though, time is short, so I've got to head out. And my apologies if my updates are pretty scarce... My AT&T wireless service is increasingly difficult in these parts...

5:30 pm CDT

We decided against going for a slim chance of storms down in Kansas and the panhandle of Nebraska today, just to have to make the long drive back to north central South Dakota again tomorrow. Instead, we have relocated to Pierre, SD. Hopefully now everybody will be able to catch up on a bit of rest after the last week's worth of activities.

Here's another tornado picture from yesterday:

Oh, and I neglected to include yesterday's travel map earlier today, so here it is: