Saturday, May 22, 2010

Post date: May 22, 2010 2:05:42 PM

8:00 am MDT

Yesterday was another L-O-N-G chase... this time, from Kansas to Colorado to Nebraska (and almost to Wyoming)... and it almost panned out. (See yesterday's notes for details on that.) Now we've got a chance for Dakota storms, and if the cap isn't too strong, hopefully we can see a tornado (or two... or more!) for George's 40th birthday!

I have uploaded a few shots from yesterday, which may be found HERE.

Here's yesterday's travel map, too... all 627 miles of it!

1:15 am CDT

FIVE --- count 'em... FIVE tornadoes for George's birthday... including this one! What a day!!! I'm exhausted now, though, so that's gonna have to do it for now. More later, when I have time... and after some sleep!