William Moore

William Kendrick Moore

(1918 -1977)

The following account of William Moore was contributed by his son, Paul, to whom I am extremely grateful. (George - Founder)

Born in Doncaster South Yorkshire, my father served his apprenticeship from the age of 14 until he was 21 (1932 -1939) in Ayr, Scotland before becoming a licensed jockey in 1939.

He volunteered, and served in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC). He saw service in North Africa, Italy and post-war France before being discharged in 1946.

In 1946 he regained his licence and rode in his only professional race in May at Nottingham riding Complacency - owned by C. Blissett - in the three-runner Arnold Selling Plate. He finished third.

He married Stella Anna Carter. She gave him 4 children (Roy, Hazel ,Paul & Alan).

William returned to Doncaster and worked for British Rail in its great Doncaster engineering works. He rode out for a local stable on a casual basis for about 15 years .

He died 1977, aged 59.

Two of his sons (Roy & Allan) tried to follow in his footsteps and signed on as apprentices but in the end, chose different paths.

Where my father’s love of horses came from is a mystery - however in 1932 aged only 14 he left his home at Highfields, a small pit village, in Yorkshire to serve his apprenticeship in Ayr .

My father’s career was the shortest and least illustrious as it is possible to be, he rode one not very good horse in one not very good race and came last.

WW2 killed a lot of people, maimed many more and changed everybody and everything. It destroyed my father’s life from that which he had set out to have.

He is rightfully included in this list of jockeys because he served his time as an apprentice and the war should not be allowed take this achievement from him.

My father of course never talked about this in detail so I would like to thank George Wheeler of 'Jockepedia' and John Randal of “The Racing Post “ for kindly gathering the details of his career for me.

Paul Moore 2021-04-18.