Byron Mills

1945 - 2003

Byron Mills was born in Cascade, near Cardiff in 1945. As a lad, he went to school with Colin Williams, who went on to become a successful apprentice.

After leaving school, Byron became apprenticed to Harvey Leader at Newmarket. He rode his first winner on Belle Maria in a one-mile apprentices’ race at Birmingham on June 25, 1962. That was one of four winners from 33 rides that year, the first three of which were for Leader, the fourth, Hi Fi at Manchester’s end of season meeting, coming for Middleham trainer Wilfrid Lyde.

It was a promising start but he was unable to build on it. He rode just one winner from 18 rides the following year – Ling Fing for trainer Bill Wightman in an apprentices’ nursery at Wolverhampton – and none at all the year after that.

Frustrated by the lack of opportunities, Byron joined Lambourn trainer Ifor Lewis at the start of 1965.

He finished third on Fender on his first ride for him at Bath in April but that was as close as he came to riding a winner that year.

He finally broke his duck for Lewis when scoring on Igoeast at Bath on May 19, 1966. That was to prove the final victory of his career.

His apprenticeship at an end, Byron rode as a professional jockey’s licence for one season in 1968 but had no winners.

He died in 2003.

Byron Mills’ winners were, in chronological order:

1. Belle Maria, Birmingham, June 25, 1962

2. Aviary, Worcester, August 18, 1962

3. Little Buzz, Haydock Park, September 21, 1962

4. Hi Fi, Manchester, November 9, 1962

5. Ling Fing, Wolverhampton, October 14, 1963

6. Igoeast, Bath, May 19, 1966