Charles Macmillan

1936 - 1989

Charles Gibb Macmillan, born on August 9, 1936, and one of the North's top point-to-point riders, was killed on Thursday morning, October 13, 1989, aged 53, when riding out at his home near Lockerbie.

His horse, Jimmy Brig, took off with him: he was later found near his farm at Little Redhall, Cumrue. He was taken to his local hospital with a fractured skull and three broken ribs.

He was then transferred, deeply unconscious, to the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, where he died.

Charles and his brother Graham featured prominently in Scottish and northern jump racing for three decades.

Charles had ridden over 100 winners and was the winner of the northern area championship in 1977 and 1983. He rode 50 winners under rules including Bright Beach in the 1968 Cheltenham Foxhunters.

Charles, in 1987, endured a successful triple heart by-pass operation and, the following year, rode a winner at the Lanark & Renfrewshire point-to-point.

Charles left a wife, Roberta, two daughters - Caroline McClymont and Marjorie - and a son, Colin.