Bat Masterson

On Tuesday, 6 July 1937, amateur jockey Mr Bartholomew (Bat) Masterson, of Rock Farm, Athy, was riding in the fourth race over a sheep track at Killarney when the hind legs of his mount, Coincide, slipped, causing the horse to fall. It rolled over Bat, breaking the young rider's leg.

For reasons never satisfactorily explained, Bat's friends didn't find him until after the last race, lying on the course fully exposed to the most inclement weather. Pneumonia supervened, and he died later that month.

Bat - 'Mr Batty' to his friends - was the second son of John and Frances Masterson, and was not only a jockey but a successful horse breeder and owner as well.

He was buried at Fontstown Cemetery after Requiem Mass in the Parish Church, Kilmeade.