The Shadow Sagas

About the Site

This is the official site for The Shadow Sagas, the successor to the Wesley World/Weasel Sagas series. Each planet has its own section, along with each book. Everyone who this is shared with is welcome to edit. This site is focused on brainstorming ideas for the novels. NOTE: ALL INFORMATION IS KEPT IN THE SECTIONS LINKED ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PAGE.. If you are reading a page and come across a word you don't know, try looking at the other pages (i.e. planets) to help you out. Everything on the site is contained in the subpages below. If you get lost, feel free to use the sitemap at the bottom of the bar on your left. THIS SITE IS STILL VERY MUCH UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND NOT EVERYTHING IS COMPLETE. ALSO, THIS SITE CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING RELATED TO THIS SERIES.

About the Series

The Weasel Sagas is a book series set in the South Galaxy (the galaxy humans went to after they almost destroyed Earth during a nuclear war). However, humans are nearly extinct: they were cursed by The Gods millennia ago as punishment for not worshipping them enough, transforming almost all of them into anthropomorphic animals and other talking creatures. Wars have been fought, empires have risen and fallen, and cultures have expanded and crumbled. For most of the galaxy's history, a Man of Light and Shadow, a continually reincarnated person tasked with mastering both Astral Magic and Shadow Magic, has protected the galaxy from threats both spiritual and man-made in nature. But then, a few thousand years ago, the cycle suddenly stopped. Now, a new evil looms over the galaxy: the evil warlord Tate, who seeks to gain access to the galaxy's spiritual resources and use them to rewrite the fabric of the galaxy into a dystopian scenario where he is ruler of everything. The Norns, the Gods who foresee the future, have told of a new Man of Light and Shadow: one who will reappear after millennia of being gone and whose job it will be to defeat Tate and save the South Galaxy...