
Seat of the Ishga Empire. Based on Victorian England, steampunk, and cyberpunk (as well as drawing heavy inspiration from Coruscant from Star Wars). Appears in every book.


-L-18 AR - Standard issue Ishga assault rifle

-A series of grenades (EMP, Fragmentation, Flash grenade, and the most terrifying: the wind- up box)

Air/Space Vehicles:

-A-20 Boar - A-10 Warthog, but futurized and also for space

-B-800 - A space bomber, built to be fast and carry a lot of payload

-C- 81 - F-35, but futurized and for space

-AH-64 Coyoche (basically the AH-64 Apache but futurized and modified for space)

-Battle Class Ship (Emphasis on large space warfare so have cannons on sides and top rather than on bottom for ground assault)

-Carrier Class Ship (Emphasis on carrying spaceforce planes, has a lotta protection, but no guns)

-Ground Class Ship (Emphasis on landing, has high protection, some guns meant for ground troops, but no anti-space weaponry. Use of this type of ship is not heard of often, but a type of this ship was used for the orbital bombardment on Aurea)

Other Weapons:

-Orbital bombardments

-Assassins and spies

National Animal:

Golden Retriever




-Blue Steel

-Iron Ore



-Precious metals


-Basilosaur Oil



-Manufactured Goods



Geography: As an ecumenopolis (an entire planet completely covered by one gigantic city), Ishga's climate is regulated by a device in the planet's atmosphere.

Ethnic Groups:

-Humans (67.8%)

-Arturians (13.3%)

-Yiri/Dolphinesian/Platypusian/Other Atlantean Islander (3%)

-Immigrants from Elsewhere (15.9%)