Sir Michael Jones

Sir Michael Jones was born on Arturia 17 years before Rhys's attack on Aurea. Coming from a poor background in the area around Loch Nimue, he eventually turned to a life of crime. He decided to move out of the Loch Nimue area and into The Wyrd, where he could undertake his criminal activities largely outside the watchful eye of the Knights of the Square Table. Here is where he began ordering drugs from Inquisitor Rhys, Lord Etbo and Sir Will of Cole. These three eventually persuaded him to join The Cabal, where Michael's purpose was to find the fabled Horned Crown. Eventually, the Knights of the Square Table found out about Sir Michael Jones's drug stash and sent Morgan to investigate him. This resulted in a battle where Michael easily defeated Morgan, who barely escaped with her life. Realizing that Sir Michael Jones was too dangerous for them to deal with, the knights decided to just ignore him provided he does not leave The Wyrd. While Sir Michael Jones did not leave The Wyrd, he eventually found the Horned Crown, and after 10 years of being completely clean drug-wise, the Knights of the Square Table let him join them. This proved to be their worst mistake, as when Tate landed on Arturia later that year, Sir Michael Jones betrayed them during the Battle of Loch Nimue and put the Horned Crown on Weasel and King Arturius's heads, transforming them into The Pendragon. However, this beast proved harder to control than Michael thought, and he was the beast's second victim. Since he was too evil to go to Heaven, and the circumstances of his death prevented him from going to Limbo, Sir Michael Jones was forced to remain in his tomb in The Wyrd as a ghost. From there, he led the Froudling armies south and conquered all of Arturia with the exceptions of Camp Caliburn and Abbey Road by the time Weasel's friends arrived on the planet, looking for the Sword of Caliber. After a long chain of events, the sword was taken to Michael's tomb, where Sir Michael Jones's ghost was preparing to use it. However, Michael was unworthy of using the sword, causing the Lady of the Loch to user her magic to move the sword to Castle Arturia. In a failed attempt to get the sword back, Sir Michael Jones followed Weasel's friends to Loch Nimue, where he tried to attack them underwater, but he was defeated and went back to The Wyrd. A few months later, Tate snuck into The Wyrd and moved Sir Michael Jones's coffin off-planet, preventing the capture of his ghost by King Arturius. He moved the coffin to Caput Tatiium, where Sir Michael Jones's ghost would be in charge of overseeing the manufacturing of Tate's Shadow Weapons. A few years later, he would battle Weasel and his friends one last time in Tate's Castle before he is killed by Morgan.