

 Weasel (Knight of the Square Table)

Species: Weasel

Sex: Male

Gender Identity: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Pronouns: He/him

Languages Spoken:

-Arturian (Native language)

-Galactic Basic (Fluent)

-Aurean (Fluent)

-Squidian (Conversational)

-Burrower (Barely conversational)

-Arachna (Understands some but biologically incapable of speaking it)

Eye Color: Black

Hair/Fur Color: White

Birth date: July 20th, 18 BR (Psychologically 39 but physically 29 at the end of the series  due to spending 10 years trapped inside the Pendragon)

Death date: January 18th, 57 AR (Age 74 psychologically, 64 physically)

Birthplace: Mourne, Skellig, Arturia

Place of death: Villa on Cythousa Key, Argentolia, Aurea

Burial place: Ashes split between the Temple of Mourne in Weasel's hometown on Arturia, the Temple of Holy Wisom in Astras on Aurea, Castle Arturia in Caerbannog on Arturia, Weasel's Estate on Cythousa Key on Aurea, and the Temple of Light and Shadow in The Apiary on Vigam.


-Knight of the Square Table (10 BR-death)

-King of Aurea (1 BR-2 AR due to usurpation by Tate, 21-52 AR due to voluntary retirement)

-Savior of the Squidians (1 AR-death)

-Lord of the Falling Skies (1 AR-death)

-Honorary Iotannar (2 AR-death)

-Sand Savior (2 AR-death)

-King of Arturia (briefly in 11 AR)

-Liberator of Vigam (21 AR-death)

-Hero of the Galaxy (21 AR-death)

-Man of Light and Shadow (Lifetime)

-Grand Tetrarch of the Galactic Treaty Union (21-52 AR due to voluntary retirement)


-Mourne, Skellig, Arturia (18-10 BR)

-Castle Arturia, Caerbannog, Arturia (10-1 BR, 2-11 AR)

-Pendragon (11-21 AR)

-Villa on Cythousa Key, Argentolia, Aurea (1 BR-2 AR, 21-57 AR)

-Basilikos Palace, Astras, Aurea (1 BR-2 AR, 21-52 AR)


-Kingdom of Arturia

-Knights of the Square Table

-Kingdom of Aurea

-Aurean Alliance

-Galactic Treaty Union


-Cailleach Muireadhaigh (Biological mother)

-Hugh Muireadhaigh (Biological father)

-King Arturius (Adoptive father/mentor)

-Boudicca (Adoptive mother/mentor)

-Sarah (Adoptive daughter)

-Aoife (Wife)

-The Lady of the Loch (Mother-in-law)

-Unnamed Knight (Father-in-law)

-Honorius (Biological son)

-Theodora (Biological daughter)


-King Arturius


-The Lady of the Loch

-Mike Van Buren







10 Closest Friends:







-Sir Carson Cook



-Mahlea Locklaha






-The Cabal

-Tatian Empire


-Mongoose Empire



Weasel was born 18 years before Book 1 in a remote village called Mourne in a region called Skellig on the planet Arturia. His father, a farmer named Hugh Muireadhaigh, died while Weasel's mother, Cailleach Muireadhaigh, was still pregnant with him. While Weasel’s parents were both Foxes, there was a recessive gene in Weasel’s family resulting in him being a Weasel. As a result, his mother called him nothing but “Weasel”, despite his real name being “Peader Muireadhaigh”. He would not discover his true name until after his time as the Pendragon.

When Weasel was only 7 years old, his life was changed forever when his mother came down with a serious illness (it was never known what this illness was, but most historians think it was pancreatic cancer). As Weasel was in a poor village and the only working person in his family was out of commission, Weasel resulted to petty theft to get the money to buy medicinal herbs for his dying mother.

However, Weasel was not able to acquire much money by stealing from people on the main road to Mourne, as that remote village was very poor and the people traveling to and from there did not have anything very valuable to steal. While Weasel was able to get by for a few months, his mother's condition worsened and he eventually had to move further out to the highway running north-south through central Skellig. Weasel was able to get the money he needed and more here, stealing from all sorts of passersby (especially Druids, who often carried precious relics with them). However, even though Weasel was able to afford the medicinal herbs for his mother, these only slowed the symptoms of her illness, not its actual progression. As a result, his mother's condition continued to rapidly worsen until Weasel was an orphan by the end of the year. 

With no one around to provide for or take care of him and nowhere to live, Weasel essentially became a highwayman, living in a hastily built treehouse along the road and stealing from passersby, reselling what he stole and buying food and clothes with the money. Eventually, however, the vendors he was selling to began to realize that Weasel's goods were stolen and stopped buying from him. With nowhere else to go, Weasel hit the lowest point of his childhood when he was forced to survive out in the woods for a month.

Just when things could not get any worse, Weasel had a day he would never forget. One afternoon, he was walking through the forest when he came upon a cave. Thinking it could be a good place for a quick nap, he went inside to investigate. Once he entered the cave, however, he heard a terrifying roar and saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes towering above him. Weasel sprinted out of that cave as fast as he could, followed by an angry 1,000-pound cave bear. Before the bear could maul and most likely kill Weasel, however, the loud sound of a horn scared the beast back into the cave from which it came. The blower of the horn was a man from Westershire named Sir Balatonux, and he was one of the Knights of the Square Table, the most famous knightly order on Arturia and in the entire galaxy.

As Weasel had nowhere to live and no one to take care of him, Balatonux offered to take him to Caerbannog (the Arturian Capital) to undergo an evaluation to see if he might be worthy of training as a Knight of the Square Table. However, Caerbannog was basically on the other side of the planet, and they would have to undertake a long journey south to reach it. In addition, Balatonux still had to finish the mission he came all the way up this way to complete in the first place: he had been sent to the town of Wicklow, even further north than Weasel's native Mourne, to defeat an evil witch who had taken up residence in a local bog. While Weasel did not participate in the battle for obvious reasons, he was able to sneak a peak at the action through a window and saw the two dueling with magic: something Weasel had heard stories of but never actually seen in action. Balatonux was blasting fire at the witch, while the witch retaliated with wind, water, and lightning. Little did Weasel know, he was observing a duel between an adept Fire wizard and a skilled Storm witch. During a point in the battle during which Balatonux was injured and the witch appeared to be making a her killing blow, Weasel blasted the witch with an icy gust out of nowhere. While not enough to kill or even harm the witch, it did distract her for a second, during which Balatonux was able to gain the upper hand in the fight.

After seeing Weasel's brief and weak but still notable use of untrained Elemental Magic, Balatonux concluded Weasel was of considerable magical talent and that he may not have even needed an evaluation. When Weasel arrived in the Arturian capital of Caerbannog, he was taken to a room in the massive Castle Arturia where he would undergo his evaluation (Balatonux had told King Arturius of Weasel's feat, but Arturius remained skeptical). While Weasel did show that he had some magical ability, Arturius's wife Boudicca decided he was nothing special. However, Weasel was allowed to train to become a Knight of the Square Table and live in Castle Arturia nonetheless, as he had nowhere else to go. 

Weasel, however, was determined to impress this King Arturius, and fully commit himself to getting as good at magic as he could. While his evaluation had shown no particular skill in most of the other magic schools, Weasel did have some talent with Ice Magic, so he made that his area of focus. While not exceptional at it on his own, Weasel was putting so much hard work into learning Ice Magic that he was soon holding his own against some of the other Knights in sparring sessions. While living at Castle Arturia, Weasel befriended 2 boys around his own age, both offworlders: Michael, the heir to the throne of a faraway world called Ishga (and its massive empire) and Rohit, an orphan from a faraway world called Bharatam whose parents were executed by the tyrannical Mongoose Empire. 

Weasel also became friends with 3 girls around the same age as them: Meggan (a fairy-mortal hybrid from a village in Skellig called Doherty), Mahlea Locklaha (a human refugee from the Saraw Tribe on a faraway world called Caput Tatiium), and Aoife (a mermaid-mortal hybrid who was the daughter of a Mermaid King Arturius was friendly with referred to as the Lady of the Loch). As the years wore on, Weasel, through hard work and determination, became Arturius's best student. After holding his own against Arturius in a duel (unbeknownst to Weasel, Arturius was holding back the vast majority of his power as he always does when sparring students), Weasel was deemed worthy of his first mission: slaying a dragon that had set up shop outside a village called Ramsey. While Weasel was able to slay this dragon, his recklessness resulted in him leaving that battle with a claw missing from his left big toe. After roasting and eating the dragon, he noticed that it had left behind an egg with a nest. Realizing the baby inside would die without a mother to incubate and raise it, Weasel decided to take it with him back to Castle Arturia and raise it.

When Weasel brought this dragon egg back to Castle Arturia, he was able to keep it hidden for a while until he was caught with it by Boudicca, who reminded him that merely owning that thing was a violation of international law and he needed to destroy it immediately. However, Weasel moved the egg to another hiding spot and asked Rohit to help him pretend to destroy it. Weasel and Rohit made a fake egg and Weasel made a show to Boudicca of destroying it. Less than a week later, the real egg hatched an Boudicca was not amused to find a baby dragon when cleaning Weasel's room. While initially furious at Weasel for both lying to her and hatching a dragon, she could not bring herself to either kill it or abandon it somewhere, and instead grudgingly allowed Weasel to keep it as a pet, insisting that he had to clean up after it and "make sure it doesn't burn down the castle". Weasel named this dragon Caoranach, and she became Weasel's trusty pet for all the time until Weasel became the Pendragon.

While Arturius and Boudicca were publicly disappointed in Weasel for smuggling a baby dragon into the castle, Arturius was more impressed with him than anything, and in addition to Weasel being able to even slay Caoranach's mother in the first place, Arturius decided that this was enough to make Weasel worthy of forging his own sword. To do this, he arranged for Weasel to go under Loch Nimue to meet with the Lady of the Loch, the Queen of Arturia's Mermaids and the mother of his friend Aoife (who by this point Weasel was starting to develop a crush on). As the Mermaids of Arturia were some of the best weaponsmiths in the galaxy (they were able to make swords that absorbed the qualities of anything they come into contact with that doesn't outright destroy them). After a long process, Weasel had forged a reasonably powerful blade called the Sword of Dryswch. However, Weasel had no prior sword training, and as a result, Arturius tasked Aoife with teaching Weasel Form 1 (the most basic and versatile form of sword combat).

Weasel struggled with Form 1 at first, almost quitting sword training multiple times before he finally got it after about a year. However, after he finally mastered Form 1, he was told about the other forms of melee combat, and that most dedicated sword fighters chose at least one additional form to master and specialize in. Weasel ended up choosing Form V, as that was the only form that did not require extensive knowledge of Astral Magic (the one part of his training at Castle Arturia he had always struggled with and was never even able to use). While Weasel was able to learn Form 5 fairly quickly (this time under Arturius's direct tutelage), he still had issues in sword duels with many other knights, as he was not able to augment his physical abilities with Astral Magic. As a result, he often had his weapon knocked out of his hands by those channeling Astral Magic to temporarily increase their physical strength, was outmaneuvered by those using it to temporarily increase their speed, and often had even his best-placed strikes blocked by those who used Astral Magic to increase their perception and predict Weasel's strikes before they came. While not weak with his sword, he often lost sparring sessions to knights he could best in a purely magical duel without breaking a sweat.

As Weasel could not learn Astral Magic no matter what he tried, he spent his time making his Form V the best it could possibly be, and with time, this was enough to mostly compensate. Weasel also learned from other sword fighters some elements of the other few forms that he could use without Astral Magic, and incorporated them into his style. He used Form II dodges to avoid Astral-enhanced blows too strong for him to block, and Form III's tight but efficient parries to block rapid attacks. While Weasel's swordsmanship was still far from perfect, this creativity was enough to leave Arturius, Boudicca, and Aoife impressed.

Around the time Weasel turned 16, Arturius and Boudicca both went on what they said was a vacation to Atlantea for a week. Weasel's best friend Michael had recently completed his training and left with Rohit, Mahlea Locklaha, and Meggan for the planet of Ishga to retake his rightful throne, so Weasel was depressed and without much to do. Aoife was the only one of his closest friends left in Castle Arturia during this time period, so they spent almost the whole week bonding, and the two enter a romantic relationship. When Arturius and Boudicca return from their "vacation", Weasel and Aoife noticed several wounds on them that were not present before, and they explain them away as wounds they got from Atlantea's dangerous wildlife.

It is here that Weasel's life changes forever. Arturius, in a one-on-one meeting with Weasel, informs him that during his trip, he was informed that a threat unlike anything the galaxy had ever seen before was arising in the largely unexplored and sparsely populated western half of the galaxy and that he had been chosen to do so. Arturius said that he was going to be busy for a while preparing for the first thing he had to do to stop this threat's rise: defend Planet Squid from an evil Shadow Magician who was beginning to wreck havoc there. He said since Weasel was his strongest student, he was trusting him with the hardest and most tedious piece of prep work for this: go to the Starforge in the City of Nidavellir on the Planet of Ryu 108 and have the ancient Grendel and Raven mages there walk him through the process of forging the Sword of Caliber. 

Weasel, after a tearful goodbye to Arturius, Boudicca, and Aoife, packed up a small ship Arturius lent him called The Selkie, and set out for Ryu 108. When Weasel arrived on Ryu 108, he found that while the navigator crystal Arturius gave him had taken him to the right planet, it was off slightly and he had landed in Hrafnscar, miles away from Nidavellir. Since primitive ships like the Selkie with navigator crystals could only "jump" between worlds and couldn't fly in atmospheres, Weasel would have to find a way to Nidavellir on foot. Weasel tried asking around, but very few of the Ravens there spoke Basic, so he kept hitting the language barrier until he found someone who did. 

Eventually, that person directed him to someone else who Weasel used some of the credits Arturius gave him before he left to rent a mammoth from, and he spent two weeks riding said mammoth through the mountain wastes to Nidavellir. When Weasel arrived in Nidavellir, he, after asking many locals, was able to find the Starforge, which was buried in an old ruined section of the city frequented by no one. As soon as he entered, the Starforge's caretakers attacked him, but relented once Weasel showed them his badge indicating he was a Knight of the Square Table. Weasel said Arturius sent him and that it was time to forge the Sword of Caliber.