Toltecatl Rainbowmask

Toltecatl Rainbowmask was born on Aztlan 32 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. He lived a relatively uneventful childhood until he was visited by the God Tezcatlipoca in a dream. His parents thought he was going insane, so they took him to a local medicine man. The medicine man did not find any mental problems, and said that whatever visions Toltecatl was having must have been real. The next night, Toltecatl had another dream, but this time, the God Tlaloc told him that his village would end up underwater in a week due to massive floods that were about to occur. As a result, he told the village's people of the impending disaster, and they simply laughed at him. However, it soon began to rain hard nonstop for several days without any sign of stopping, prompting the villagers to begin to believe him. As a result, they moved their village from the bottom of Zultun Rainforest to the treetops. Soon after the move was complete, the entire valley was submerged for about a week. Toltecatl was then named the Grand Shaman of the Village of Palo Alto and sent to Tenochtitlan to learn the history of the Aztlanian people from the Black Sun Priests. He eventually became a spiritual advisor for Tlatoani Itzcoatl IV, telling him the ancient stories of the planet's history. However, things quickly got complicated when Santa Muerte invaded the planet, searching for the Book of Xibalba. She burned down Tenochtitlan and built a new city on the ruins in her honor called The Zocalo. Toltecatl was worried about what would be done with that book, as the asteroid Xibalba began to look bigger and meaner in the sky. A few years later, a red comet appeared in the night sky that attracted the attention of the entire planet. Toltecatl also had a dream that night in which the God Dyeus appeared to him and warned that the end of Aztlan was drawing near, and that comet was an omen alerting the people of impending doom. However, nobody believed Toltecatl when he told them about it and they accused him of fearmongering. The next day, the Pyramid of Black Sun in the heart of The Zocalo caught fire for no apparent reason, causing the top to have to be rebuilt. Again, nobody listened to Toltecatl when he said it was a bad omen. A year or so later, lightning struck a temple on a storm-free day, causing it to have to be rebuilt. It was at this point that the people of Aztlan began to take Toltecatl seriously, and the people, in turn, began to panic. A few months later, the ghostlike wails of an unidentified woman could be heard all over Aztlan one night. It is speculated that this might have been the Goddess Dhega, wailing over and over, "My children, it is already too late". After another month or so, for the first time ever in The Zocalo, it snowed. The omens started to become even weirder, with a two-headed Aztecosaur being spotted near Zultun one day and a random flood another day. A week or two after that, a bizarre crane-like bird was hauled out of Lake Coxcote by fishermen and none of the planet's zoologists or even Ishga zoologists could figure out what species it was. It also had a smoking mirror attached to its head, a symbol of the God Tezcatlipoca. The bird was brought to Toltecatl, who examined the mirror. When he looked into the mirror, he saw the asteroid Xibalba simply flying through the sky. It is at this point that the Aztlanian Government began making plans to relocate the planet's population into the underground Cenote, but these plans would never reach fruition, as Tate and his army landed on the planet the following day. The first thing the invaders did was ransack The Zocalo, before dragging several members of the Aztlan Defense Team that Toltecatl assembled earlier into the Cenote. He tried sending a party down there to find them, but the place was overrun with zombies reanimated by Santa Muerte. Another day after that, and Weasel and his friends arrived on the planet, determined to stop Tate. They succeeded in freeing all of the Aztlan Defense Team from the Cenote (except for King Josh of Pearce, who had been turned into a zombie). The new Tlatoani Itzcoatl V was crowned that day. Once Weasel and his friends deduced that Tate was searching the planet's step pyramids for the Horn of Huitzilopochtli, Toltecatl told them that he did not know which pyramid the Horn of Huitzilopochtli was in, so they would have to just follow Tate and see what happens. After they failed to catch up to Tate at the Pyramid of Storm Eye, Toltecatl had them restore the Astral Obelisks so they could learn the planet's Astral Secrets to help in the fight. After this, they failed again to catch up to Tate in Zultun, and Zultun's King Xumucane was killed on top of this. It was then that Toltecatl truly began to despair, fearing the worst for Aztlan and its people. After this, Weasel and his friends almost caught up with Tate in the mountains, but were delayed just long enough by a lengthy battle with Elliot. Then, almost all hope was lost once Tate managed to gain control of the Horn of Huitzilopochtli and steal the souls of the Lords of Xibalba from their tombs. Weasel, his friends, and Toltecatl put together a last-ditch plan to travel to Xibalba and stop Tate. While they succeeded in getting onto Xibalba, they did not succeed in getting to Tate fast enough to stop him from sealing the Lords of Xibalba in his Soul Box. The magical force required to do this set off a chain reaction that cancelled out the enchantments put on Xibalba millennia ago that held it in place, putting it on a direct collision course with Aztlan. Weasel and his friends all managed to get off the asteroid and get back to Toltecatl while Xibalba was still up in the sky, but Toltecatl refused to leave the planet with them, saying that it was his fault he didn't plan for this sooner and that he deserves to die with his people. Weasel and his friends try to beg Toltecatl to go with them, but Toltecatl insists on staying. They eventually take up so much time arguing that Weasel and his friends would no longer have time to escape if they continue arguing, so they are forced to leave Toltecatl behind. Almost immediately after Weasel and his friends leave in their ship, Xibalba strikes the desert, triggering a massive explosion that sent shockwaves around the planet, flattening everything they came into contact with. Toltecatl was one of the lucky ones: he was killed instantly by the shockwave instead of having to wait around for the global wildfires that killed most of the rest of Aztlan's population.