The 4 Sons of Ouranos

During the creation of the universe, The Gods overthrew their parents known as The Titans. The Titans were around 25 beings that were the offspring of The Giants. While the rest of the Titans would literally burn in Hell for eternity, the four least dangerous ones (Vestri, Nordri, Audri, and Sudri) were allowed to return to the Physical Realm by The Gods under one condition: they safeguard the four pieces of the Golden Horn, the artifact needed to access Nastrond (Jörmungandr's caverns). For millennia, almost no one dared trifle with them. However, millennia later, the evil warlord Tate snuck into a hall where a banquet was being prepared for the four titans. He slipped tainted agave into all 4 of their drinks, rewriting their personalities and allowing Tate to enslave them. Once they were enslaved, Tate told them to wait for Weasel and his friends to arrive in their lands and then give them duplicates of the Golden Horn pieces, while giving Tate the originals. Once Weasel and his friends have the duplicates, the 4 titans would wait in the depths of Nastrond to attack Weasel and his friends once they fell for the trap. While Tate was successful in luring them down into Nastrond and learning Shadow Magic, Weasel and his friends managed to defeat the 4 titans and force Tate to leave the planet. Once the 4 titans were defeated, they were cured of the tainted agave and resumed their duties as guardians of the Golden Horn pieces.