Lord Sashank, Grand Overlord and High God-King of the Mongoose Empire

Lord Sashank was born on Rahasy during the 19 years between Books 9 and 10. He was the heir to the crazed Emperor Shrikar. He often tried to get his father to stop passing his bizarre laws and cutting off hands of dissidents. However, his efforts proved futile, as Shrikar did not value his son's advice at all and almost cut his hands off for simply asking him to stop being such a cruel ruler. The tipping point came when Shrikar threw two friendly newcomers to Rahasy, Weasel and Taftenkhamun, into the dungeons of his palace while trying to make the newly-reawakened sister of The Moodha his slave. Sashank betrayed Shrikar in the final battle when the Sepoys arrived by freeing Weasel and his friends. He gave Varu, Shrikar's elephant, to Taftenkhamun once Sashank became the new Emperor of the Mongoose Empire. He ruled over the planet with dignity and respect instead of slavery, hand-cutting, and bizarre laws. Just before the battle for Tate's Palace, Weasel and his friends returned to Rahasy to recruit him to help sneak into Tate's Palace. He was injured by gunfire during the battle, but not killed. After the war, he continued to rule the Mongoose Empire, which he does to this day.

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