
Olympus is known by many names. The Olympians call it Olympus, the 108ers call it Asgard, the Arturians call it the Otherworld, the 97ers call it the Kami Realm, etc. The basic gist is that this is the home of the Gods and associated figures. There are many entrances to Olympus in the Physical Realm, including Mount Olympus on Olympia, The Catacombs on Arturia, The Volcano on Atlantea, Nastrond on Ryu 108, Crimson Fields on Ryu 97, etc. If a mortal is found in Olympus without permission from the Gods, they are either killed on the spot or are sent back to the Physical Realm with their memories of the incident completely wiped. Mt. Olympus also has passages that lead to Heaven, Hell, Limbo, The Duat, The Nether Realm Checkpoint, The Labyrinth, and The Spirit Realm.