

Magic is defined in the Weasel Sagas as special abilities people can tap into by learning to draw upon the power of Mana in different ways. There are 12 schools of magic total, and 4 categories which these schools fall into. Elemental Magic, invented by the Titans, contains Fire, Storm, and Ice schools; Spirit Magic, invented by the Giants, contains Life, Rock, and Death schools; Astral Magic, discovered by the Gods, contains Sun, Star, and Moon schools; and Shadow Magic, also discovered by the Gods, contains Mind, Space, and Horizon schools.

Elemental magic is focused on taking power from one's surroundings, Spirit magic is focused on achieving harmony with one's surroundings, Astral magic is focused on changing oneself, and Shadow magic is focused on changing the universe.

Mortal souls can almost always handle only one Elemental or Spirit school at once, combined with however much Astral Magic they choose to learn. The only known exception to this rule is Tate's family due to their genetic mutation.

Astral Magic is the easiest to learn, however, knowledge of it became exceedingly rare after the Atlantean Civilization was accidentally destroyed by Gunmonga. Today, it is only known and practiced by a handful of secret societies, most notably on Aztlan, Planet Squid, and Arturia.

Shadow Magic is by far the most difficult to learn, as it will rip one's soul to pieces if one attempts to learn any without first absorbing the power of one of several Shadow Artifacts scattered around the South Galaxy. A mortal with a ripped soul is doomed to live the rest of their life as a shell of their former self, slowly transforming into a withered, ratlike parody of their original form as they lose any capacity to feel positive emotions. In addition, a mortal with a ripped soul is considered inadmissible to any afterlife and what is left of their soul and personality will be devoured by Ammit and cease to exist.

With the exceptions of the Sun, Moon, Mind, and Horizon schools, use of magic consists of various techniques one learns as they progress through the school until they master it completely, which is generally considered the point where one is experienced enough to invent their own techniques. However, learning does not always stop once they have mastered their school, as there are still highly advanced and little-known spells out there for magicians to learn.

Sun magic simply amplifies the user's physical strength as they progress through the school without any clearly defined techniques. Moon magic largely consists entirely of potions and is almost never used in battle. Mind and Horizon magic lack clearly defined techniques, instead performing one particular task that the user gets better at as they progress through the school. Mind magic allows one to read and manipulate (to a limited extent) the minds of others, while Horizon magic is never used in battle and allows one to create and better interpret prophecies.

It is the job of the Man (or sometimes Woman) of Light and Shadow to master every single school of magic and use them to uphold peace and balance in the universe.


In order to keep track of how characters progress in their magic schools, I will be taking extensive notes that do not appear in the book. These include a skill level system (similar to how levels in RPGs work), which techniques are learned at which level, invented techniques, and a strength level system (similar to how DBZ power levels work and which will not even appear on this site).