Dr. Setzer

Dr. Setzer was born on Atlantea 30 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. As a child, he was very interested in science, to the point where he had become a prodigy, building his first working robot at the age of 15. He would work on numerous projects over the next few years, until a terrible accident occurred: Setzer was swimming through the sea minding his own business, when he was hit by an Ishga submarine patrolling the reef. The brain damage he suffered after the accident was so immense that he lost all muscle control. Luckily, he had designed a computer a few years back that could speak for him by reading his eye movements. His doctors fitted this device to a wheelchair so he could get around. A chip was also implanted into his brain that would allow him to assume control of the various machines he would use to build his other machines. After this accident, he swore revenge against the Ishga Government, and started building an army of robots, headed by the Lawbot, Brightbot, Growthtron and Gibbytron. This robot army's single goal was to make life hell for the Ishga explorers that were looking for artifacts on the planet. After years of staying neutral in the Great War, Dr. Setzer was recruited by Tate to help secure the Atlantean Tomes from Weasel and his friends, who were working with the Ishgas. His robots didn't really start giving them serious trouble until they entered The Portico, where they first encountered the Brightbot. Though Weasel and his friends ended up beating Setzer and his robot army to the Atlantean Tomes, the four bots distract them long enough for one of Setzer's weaker robots to steal and hide the tomes in The Chancel, from where they were to be given to Tate. However, Weasel and his friends managed to destroy the Lawbot, Brightbot, Growthtron, and Gibbytron, but not before Dr. Setzer escaped. While Weasel and his friends went to The Chancel in a failed attempt to get the tomes back from Tate, Setzer escaped the planet and fled to Caput Tatiium, where he began building more robots in case Weasel and his friends tried to invade the planet. Months later, when Weasel and his friends invaded Caput Tatiium, Setzer's rnew robots were used in the defense of Crowyuga Castle, though Weasel and his friends overcame the Ebbytron, Thornbot, and Skoubot. Cornered, Setzer got his wheelchair into battle mode and battled them himself with the contraptions on his wheelchair, but he was overwhelmed and killed by Nate.