Sir Will of Cole was a Chupacabra born on the crime-infested planet of Axaca 29 years before Book 1. Born into a noble family descended from Ishga royalty, Sir Will of Cole was mostly shielded from this as a child, living in his parents' massive estate with everything he ever wanted whenever he wanted it. However, when his parents died, they instead left their estate and everything they owned to Will's older brother. With no job prospects on the planet other than organized crime, Will joined a gang called the Black Tendril. Black Tendril focused on selling "bath salts" to buyers all around Axaca. Will eventually became good at what he did, but he was arrested once for possession of large quantities of an illegal substane with intent to sell, and was convicted. After spending 2 years in prison (he would have spent at least 20 years in there if he hadn't bribed the judge), Will was released and continued to sell drugs. He soon grew rich enough to buy a spaceship and leave the crime-infested planet. He landed on Ishgabangaloodoo, seeking legitimate employment. However, his criminal record from his days on Axaca kept anybody from hiring him, and Will had to return to drug smuggling in order to make any money. Instead of submitting himself to other drug lords (which helped get him arrested on Axaca), Will decided to create his own syndicate. However he needed money to get this started. He went to his parents' old estate on Axaca and asked his brother for a loan, saying he was going to use it to start a nonprofit charity for starving children on Cabarrus. His brother gave him the loan, not knowing anything about Will's criminal history. When Will returned to Ishgabangaloodoo, he used the money to modify his ship, adding all sorts of illegal accessories to make it one of the fastest ships in the galaxy. The ship was dubbed "The Cehualli". Will then began using his money to buy drugs from producers on various planets, and then re-sell them on other planets for higher prices. His skill with this eventually caught the eye of Awal Kabab's Black Market, a secret hideout in the middle of Awal Kabab's vast desert where the best of criminals sell their goods and services. They offered him a shop there, and Will decided to go to the location they gave him. However, the message was not sent by the Black Market at all, and was a trap set by the Ishga Government. Will was cornered by Ishga police in an alleyway in the city of al-Sariq and was arrested. Will was convicted for possession of illegal substances with intent to sell, and had to spend another 5 years in prison. As soon as he was released, he violated the terms of his parole and stowed away on a flight to Awal Kabab. As soon as he landed, he found The Cehualli in a nearby junkyard and stole it back. Since someone had stolen all the money on his ship when he was in prison, Will returned to Axaca to ask his brother for another loan. However, his brother had found out about his criminal activity and refused to give Will the loan. In addition to this, he said he never wanted to see Will again. Will blamed the Ishga Government for his brother's contempt for him, causing him to harbor an intense hatred of Ishgabangaloodoo. A year or so later, Will was arrested again for making terroristic threats against the Ishga Government. While he was in jail awaiting trial, Tate was visiting the jail, attempting to bust one of his henchmen out. Seeing Will had untapped hatred towards the Ishga Government, Tate also busted Will out of jail and took him back to Caput Tatiium, where he used Will's hatred of the Ishgas to indoctrinate him into The Cabal. Tate gave Will the funding to restart his drug-selling operation, but worked out a deal where half of the profits went directly to Tate to fund The Cabal.