The Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus was a Shadow Artifact created when one of the Anubian Priests who invented Shadow Magic hid his powers in the severed eye of Horus, a demigod who lost his eye battling Jörmungandr. When the Anubian Priest died, it was written in his will that the Eye of Horus would be an heirloom passed down through the Eaglyptian Royal Family Line. This worked fine for almost 35,000 years, until the evil warlord Tate showed up, demanding it and its powers. When Pharaoh Akhet-Ra refused to give it to him, Tate unleashed a great famine on the Eaglyptian Civilization, which would soon wipe out all sentient life on the planet. Before he died, Akhet-Ra threw the Eye of Horus into a portal to the Duat, knowing that nobody who was not a God could enter the Duat without dying. When the Eye of Horus arrived in The Duat, The Gods decided to claim it and protect it from those who wanted to misuse its power. A couple of decades later, Weasel shows up in The Duat (having the Goddess Hathor hold his breath of life for him while he there). He then passes a series of test that the Gods put in his path, allowing him to take the Eye of Horus, absorb it into the Sword of Caliber, and gain the ability to learn Shadow Death.