Beyin Epivoulos

Beyin Epivoulos was born on Aurea a whopping 78 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. Not much is known about his early life, although general historical consensus agrees he was born in Nikopolis. Over the first 54 years of his life, Beyin Epivoulos became the most dangerous crimelord on Aurea, boasting that he had accumulated more wealth over the course of his illicit career than was present in the Aurean Government's treasury. Most details of his criminal life remain classified by the Aurean and Ishga Governments to prevent it from falling into the hands of his organization's remnants of sympathizers, but it is known that his organization dealt in illegal arms trading, mercenary armies, drug and sex trafficking, and banditry in the Aurean countryside. Beyin's crimes soon became such an economic disruption to the Aurean Government that the Dominus Theodosius IV attempted to turn the Aurean Military on them. This failed, and Beyin's criminal empire and its mercenary armies began taking control of many Aurean cities, including Nikopolis and very nearly Astras. Terrified, Theodosius traveled to Ishga, where he begged the Ishga King to support his government against the crime wave. The Ishga King, to his surprise, agreed to send an expeditionary force to Aurea if the isolationist Aureans allowed the Ishgas to trade at the ports other than Olynthaseia. Theodosius begrudgingly agreed and the combined Ishga-Aurean force defeated Beyin's criminal empire and arrested him. Beyin was found guilty of pretty much every crime in existence and was sentenced to life imprisonment at Prison World, an entire planet that the Ishgas had hollowed out and converted to a prison to alleviate overcrowding at Ishga's Newgate Prison.

While Beyin was imprisoned on Prison World, he met two low-level agents of The Cabal. Beyin found The Cabal's hatred of the Ishga Government intriguing, and managed to get the agents to tell him where The Cabal was headquartered. Within three years of being imprisoned, Beyin managed to escape. Beyin used what financial assets he had left to get plastic surgery to change his appearance and his name. Now named the more Ishga-sounding John Harrison, he produced fake documentation that provided "evidence" that he was descended from Aurean emigrants to Ishga and returned to Aurea via the port of Olynthaseia, claiming the right of return.

John moved to the city of Dorylaeum, where he met a woman and decided to get married and start a family. All was going well when Gorgo, his first and only child was born. However, once John discovered that Gorgo had a genius IQ, he remembered what his inmates on Prison World had told him about The Cabal. While Gorgo's mom was busy with housework, John took Gorgo out on "trips to the library" which were really training exercises in the woods near the city. During these sessions, John informed Gorgo of his true identity of Beyin Epivoulos, and let her know that her entire purpose in life was to exact his revenge on the Ishga and Aurean Governments for imprisoning him. When Gorgo was around 11 years old, John sent her away to the location the inmates on Prison World told her about and told her to join The Cabal. Knowing he had his revenge and thus fulfilled his purpose in life, John died in his sleep of a cerebral hemorrhage soon afterwards. Years later, he would indeed have his revenge, as Gorgo and Tate would work together to topple the Aurean and Ishga Governments.