Julius Arius III

Julius Arius was born on Olympia the year Rhys invaded Aurea. As the son of Emperor Flavius Tiberius XIV, he became Emperor when his father was assassinated by an anarchist when Arius was only twelve years old. For the first few months of his rule, he did a pretty good job, recovering from an economic recession brought on by the reckless expansion of the planet's road system by his father. However, nine months after he was crowned, a raider from Awal Kabab named al-Mukhtabi and his evil group al-Muharibun landed on the planet and ransacked the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, killing over 30,000 people. As a result of this, he sent troops to Awal Kabab to find and destroy this group. Due to al-Mukhtabi's skill at hiding away, the war lasted much longer than it needed to, even with most of al-Muharibun defeated. Eventually, so much money was being spent on this manhunt-turned-war that it started straining Olympia's economy, to the detriment of the citizens. The initial approval he enjoyed among the citizenry quickly began to turn into resentment, with Arius barely winning a civil war against a populist trying to usurp the throne, Iohannes Cerrigia. After this, Arius's approval rating began to dwindle even more rapidly than it had before. Meanwhile, record investing in the insulae industry was going on, causing the economy to boom for a little before confidence in it suddenly dropped off a cliff. This caused panic all over the spectrum. Banks were shut down, insulae were foreclosed on, jobs were laid off, and the price of goods skyrocketed. Meanwhile, Arius was continuing to spend money the Olympian Government no longer had trying to find and kill al-Mukhtabi on Awal Kabab instead of worrying about the plight of his citizens, which greatly angered them. By the time Tate arrived on the planet, there were already revolts breaking out in almost every province. Tate then manipulated the angry people into forming a single army called the Democracy Front, aimed at removing Julius Arius from office and starting a democracy. Tate then used this army to defeat Weasel and his friends, who had landed on the planet to protect The Gods from Tate and received the Emperor's support. Once Tate was gone and the Emperor's Army had been dealt with, the Democracy Front marched on the capital and demanded that Julius Arius III step down. Julius then left office and was replaced by Septimius Severus, an elected president, soon after. After that, Julius Arius faded into civilian life and picked up painting.

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