Gods and Other Divine Beings

The Gods are the children of the Titans, an evil race of giant-like creatures the Gods banished to Hell millennia ago. They preside over the universe and ensure that humankind and their descendants do not destroy themselves. Even though they were "protecting" them, they oftentimes viewed mortals as inferior playthings that were only around for their amusement. They sometimes even had children with mortals (i.e. King Arturius is a child of Morrigan and a mortal), but this was extremely rare. The Gods and those above them in the hierarchy are the only sentient beings known in the entire universe to be completely immortal. They also specialize in certain fields that they have powers over. It is rumored that if all the Gods' powers are placed in one person on a solar eclipse, they would be able to reawaken the entire Universal Trinity and create a new universe.


The Sands of Time (Just kind of exists, doesn't really do anything but act as the top of a giant hourglass that heralds the end of the current universe)

Cosmic Energy: Mana (Primordial energy the magicians of the galaxy draw on to perform their magic. Astral Form is Najima, Shadow Form is Zil)


Rainbow Serpent: Arkaroo The Creator (Currently asleep, Tate briefly succeeded in stirring it but that ultimately didn't go anywhere thanks to Weasel and friends)

Jaguar: Tezcat The Destroyer (Currently asleep, Tate tried to wake it up but died in the process)

Tortoise: Weshir The Preserver (Everything above the Plane of Existence is carried on his back)


Horse Twins (Ashvars): Hangos and Hirsa (Responsible for creating mortals and a big chunk of the universe, both dead)


The Great Drakon (Fire Titan, currently asleep, but woke up briefly thanks to Deus Ex Machina that one time to mostly destroy Melzac)

Iotannu (Ice Titan, currently asleep)

The Thunderbird (Storm Titan, currently asleep)


The Oni Demons (Live in their own pocket dimension called the Oni Realm where the Gods can't boss them around. Easily the most powerful of the Giants, many of the Oni have spent the past 40,000 years recovering from their defeat by the Gods and have built back much of the power that they lost. In fact, a handful of them (such as the Jade Oni, War Oni, Plague Oni, and Death Oni) are strong enough to give a God or the MOLAS trouble. They can create portals between realms at will, and basically use this power to extort the people of Ryu 97 to get back at them for abandoning their cult. Full-blooded Oni are huge creatures standing at up to twelve feet tall. Complete with huge, fan-like ears, a trunk for a nose, two pillarlike legs, ivory tusks, and thick, leathery hide, they resemble bipedal elephants, albeit with the antlers of a stag sprouting from their heads. When injured, Oni bleed black blood so poisonous it is said to kill plants on contact. Oni blood also has other magical properties and is a highly-sought after substance in potionmaking, with Oni blood being one of the most expensive items known to exist on the Black Market. Oni are entirely male and reproduce asexually, with each Oni having the ability to vomit an egg that will hatch into a new Oni with random traits. However, Oni are also capable of mating with mortal women and producing Oni-mortal hybrids. These Oni-mortal hybrids are generally identical to pure Oni, but are smaller and far less powerful than them, generally only reaching heights of around seven or eight feet. Unlike pure Oni, Oni-mortal hybrids can be either male or female. Oni-mortal hybrids are mortal, although they only age at around the rate of mortals. As a result, they can live for up to 10,000 years, but are helpless babies for the first 300 or so years of their lives, and are not considered mature until around 1,750-1,800 years of age. Blood from Oni-mortal hybrids still has most of the magical properties of pure Oni blood, and as a result, Oni-mortal hybrids are the source of the vast majority of Oni blood in circulation. Most crucially, Oni-mortal hybrids can grow up to be morally good unlike pure Oni, especially if raised by mortals. Mortals with 50% Oni heritage are always considered Oni-mortal hybrids. Mortals with 25% Oni heritage are still considered Oni-mortal hybrids, but age at 10% the rate of mortals rather than 1%. Mortals with 12.5% Oni heritage or less will not inherit any Oni traits, will age normally, cannot reproduce asexually, and are considered fully mortal. If an Oni-mortal hybrid reproduces asexually, the child will have the same percentage of Oni heritage as the parent.)

The Fomori Giants (Blended into the general Arturian populace pretty seamlessly, though they tend to side with the Froudlings over native Arturians in associated disputes and long for the days when they ruled Arturia as a sort of "elite race". Now that they've had basically all their powers taken away including their immortality, they're not much stronger than regular mortals. Although reduced to mortals, the Fomori on Arturia have maintained a distinct culture, speak their own language with a heavy substratum from Arturia's extinct pre-Saka languages, and rarely marry other mortals. The average Fomori stands at around seven feet tall. They are covered in a shaggy fur coat from the neck down, and are almost otherwise naked, as this more than suffices as a covering in even the coldest environments. Fomori have humanlike skin, eyes, ears, and a nose, albeit a very warty and oversized one. Their heads sport the spiraling horns of a ram, while the tusks of a boar emerge from their mouths. )

The Four Iotannar (Nordri, Austri, Vestri, and Sudri are all alive and on Ryu 108. Tasked with keeping the 4 golden seals that can reawaken Arkaroo out of the wrong hands. Tate managed to mind control them with Shadow magic that one time, causing quite a bit of problems on that planet Weasel and friends had to sort out. Much weaker than the Oni.)


Sky God: Dyeus 

Dawn Goddess: Hausa

Sun God: Sahul

Moon Goddess: Mehna

Queen of the Gods: Divana

Harvest Goddess: Dhega

Storm God: Hunra'akaj

Fire God: Igni

Sea God: Vorunar

Freshwater Goddess: Iteru

Volcano Goddess: Palar

Earth Goddess: Catlika

War Goddess: Sakhma

Wind God: Veyor

Love Goddess: Efrada

God of the Hunt: Rordemos

God of Alcohol and Festivals: Deyanasaru

God of Knowledge and Scribes: Talikhar

Trickster God: Sathos

Death/Afterlife God: Mikhlanteku

God of Trade: Harma

God of Craftsmen/Blacksmiths: Pitos


The Beetles (Snjor, Dahan, Khepri, and Luyum roam certain planets, hoping to ambush and kill whoever tries to learn too many schools of magic. All were defeated by Weasel but remain alive.)

Deus Ex Machina (Has his own page)

The Great Spirit (Has its own page)

Ammit The Devourer (Has its own page)

Amarok (Has his own page)

Genies (Genies are spirits from Awal that reside in magic lamps and posess wispy gas instead of legs. They are bound to serve whoever owns the lamp, and must fulfill their every wish (provided it does not involve murder, immortality, granting the same wish twice, forced love, or resurrecting the dead). As a result, they are one of the many types of spirits with access to magic outside the four sets of defined schools. When a genie changes hands, whatever effects their magic had on their master fade away. If a genie's lamp is destroyed, then that genie is considered free and goes on to live in a pocket dimension known as the Genie Realm. All known genies now reside here, as the last few lamps (with the exception of the Lamp of Luxury, which contains the Genie Realm) were destroyed during the 1st Battle of Awal. While rare, genies can hybridize with mortals, though the only noticeable genie trait that carries over to genie-mortal hybrids is abnormally high magical talent.)

Merpeople (Merpeople are water spirits native to most water-heavy planets, most notably Arturia, Atlantea, Aurea, and Ryu 108. Merpeople look fairly similar to each other, possessing a human head, face, arms, and torso, with a fish's tail from the waist down. However, instead of "normal"-looking eyes, their eyes lack pupils and irises, and instead glow with a bright blue light. Merpeople are incredibly powerful creatures, being able to learn Storm, Ice, and Fire magic, despite mortals only being able to learn one elemental or spirit school. They are the only known beings in the universe capable of producing and using fire underwater. They serve the Gods Iteru and Vorunar while also acting as nature spirits of the bodies of water they inhabit. Damaging said bodies of water will result in their merpeople retaliating against nearby mortals by summoning storms. However, merpeople suffer one weakness: they cannot breathe on land, and will suffocate if out of the water for too long. They are also not immortal. Merpeople, however, can hybridize with regular mortals in certain circumstances, and said mortal-merpeople hybrids possess both lungs and gills, allowing them to breathe both on land and in water. Mortal-merpeople hybrids also swap their fishtails for human legs when on land, and have the eyes of normal humans rather than those of merpeople. However, mortal-merpeople hybrids need to bathe or otherwise be in water at least once every five to six hours or they will dry out and enter a catatonic state. If found quick enough and submerged, a mortal-merpeople hybrid in this catatonic state can recover, but if they are in this state for more than two or three hours, they will die. Mortal-merpeople hybrids are some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy, as they have access to Storm, Ice, and Fire magic. However, these powers drop off if a mortal-merpeople hybrid's merpeople heritage is below 25%. Neither merpeople nor mortal-merpeople hybrids have any form of immortality, but they do not age physically and full-blooded merpeople can live to be up to 300 years old.)

Fairies (Fairies are forest spirits endemic to the wilds of Arturia (mostly Skellig). Fairies are exclusively female, and generally resemble human women with dragonfly, butterfly, or moth wings, and range in size from that of a hummingbird to about 4 feet tall. Fairies are the most powerful life and death school users in the entire galaxy (having access to both), and can heal even the most grievous wounds instantly, as long as said wound is not either fatal or involving an amputation. Fairies generally enjoy playing (mostly) harmless pranks on mortals with their magic, although they will become extremely angry when mortals destroy or heavily damage the forests in which they live, resulting in magical retaliation on said mortals that can often be quite dangerous. Similar to that of genies, fairy magic can transcend the known schools of magic, though unlike genies, fairies have access to these abilities at will rather than through wish-granting, though they possess the same limits as genies (no murder, immortality, forced love, or resurrections of the dead). Mortal-fairy hybrids generally resemble full-blooded fairies in appearance and are always female, but are almost always at least 2 feet tall and in some cases have been as tall as 4 1/2 feet. Mortal-fairy hybrids have access to both life and death magic, but have only a handful of the countless other abilities full-blooded fairies have (the full list depends on the individual) Neither fairies nor fairy-mortal hybrids are immortal, and in fact, fairies tend to have much shorter lifespans than humans, with 30 being considered old for them. However, fairies do not physically age past what would look like a human's early twenties. Fairy-mortal hybrids, however, have basically the same lifespans as mortals, and have the added benefit of not physically aging. As with merpeople-mortal hybrids, fairy-mortal hybrid traits disappear once the fairy heritage is below 25%.) 

Phoenixes (Phoenixes are spirits from Aurea that possess an odd form of immortality: when it is time for them to die, their body burns to ash and a new body is born from said ash (the new body has the same memories and personality as the Phoenix that burned to create the ash). They can still reproduce normally, although they rarely choose to do so. Phoenixes are generally regarded as the best Fire magicians in the galaxy, and possess a Fire magic ability unique to themselves: they can, for a short period of time, literally become fire.)

The Forest Devil (has its own page)

The Pendragon (has its own page) 

Elementals and Nature Spirits Too Numerous To Mention


Maddie (This one lady who somehow defeated a God in battle)

Subhraj Anand (This guy who founded Anandism and is the ancestor of all Samoorai on Ryu 97. Priyanka is his sister)

Gunmonga (That one guy who accidentally drowned most of Atlantea, felt guilty about it for a few hundred years, then killed a bunch of space vikings before dying of exhaustion)

Khufu (Some dude who freed the slaves on Iteru and stopped a mummy apocalypse)

Alexandros (Last MOLAS before Weasel who let his ego get out of control and blew it for the next 5,000ish years)

Weasel (Current MOLAS who restarted the tradition after a 5,000ish-year hiatus and stopped a horribly mutated mortal named Tate from destroying the universe by abusing Shadow magic)


Maxwell (1/2 Oni Demon (Specifically the Jade Oni), 1/2 Mortal.)

Gurtok Demon (1/2 Oni Demon (Specifically the Flame Oni), 1/2 Mortal)


Arturius (Son of Dyeus and a Mortal Woman)

Boudicca (Daughter of Sakhma and a Mortal Man)


Pompeia Khan (1/4 Mermaid, 3/4 Mortal)

Tristan and Yengwayo (1/2 Nature Spirit, 1/2 Mortal)

Omar (1/4 Genie, 3/4 Mortal)


Ghosts ("Ghost" is an umbrella term for several varieties of undead created from the soul of a dead mortal. Most ghosts fall under the "mainline ghost" variety and are referred to simply as "ghosts", but the phantom, onryo, and wraith varieties are all unique enough to merit their own descriptions. Therefore, this description will be a general one about mainline ghosts and traits that all of the aforementioned categories share with them. Ghosts can arise for a whole variety of reasons, but the root cause of a ghost's existence is always something obstructing the soul of a dead mortal from proceeding to an afterlife, trapping them between dimensions. Certain magical objects, such as Spirit Crystals from Melzac or the Resurrection Rune from Ryu 108 can be used to do this intentionally, but ghosts are almost always created accidentally. With the exceptions of wraiths and onryo, ghosts do not manifest physically and possess no corporeal bodies, instead appearing as a translucent rendition of what the mortal in question looked like when they were alive. Mainline ghosts almost always retain their personalities after death.)

Phantoms (Phantoms are a variety of ghost specifically dedicated to haunting specific people. Phantoms will appear to their victims in dreams or in dark places repeatedly to scare them until they lose their minds. While phantoms typically follow their victims around wherever they go, they usually remain invisible until they decide the time is right to strike by showing themselves. However, phantoms do not manifest physically and thus are incapable of physically harming their victims, so they instead psychologically torture them into insanity. Since phantoms are invisible except when they want to be, they can be very difficult to destroy. The only known clue that a phantom is lurking somewhere is that their immediate surroundings will feel oddly cold to the touch when a phantom is present. As with most ghosts, phantoms can only be destroyed using magic, but once they are destroyed, their spirit is allowed to proceed to the afterlife.)

Onryo (Onryo are a variety of ghost created specifically when a woman who has been greatly scorned in some way by a man dies and her treatment prevents her soul from being at peace. Like wraiths, onryo manifest phyiscally and possess corporeal bodies. Unlike most ghosts, which resemble the way they looked in life, onryo are always humanoid females, with a few key differences. Onryo almost always possess stringy, bloodstained, dark hair that covers their entire face. They are also paler than they were in life, and are almost always extremely gaunt in build. In addition, their faces are definitely their most terrifying aspect, as their eyes are completely white without any irises or pupils, and they are constantly crying blood. While most ghosts retain the personality of their former selves, onryo instead become entirely dedicated to exacting revenge on the living. While the person who scorned them is generally their prime target, their anger extends to the living in general and they will usually attempt to kill or torture into insanity anyone in their immediate area. While not as poweful as wraiths magically speaking, onryo are not pushovers either and can often hold their own in duels, even with skilled magic users. However, like wraiths, the fact that onryo manifest physically leaves them open to death by conventional means.)

Wraiths (Wraiths are a variety of ghost. However, unlike other ghosts, wraiths manifest physically and look basically identical to each other: wraiths are 7-foot-tall skeletons wearing long hooded cloaks that obscure most of their face. They are always hunched forward at the back and have two massive feathered wings sprouting out of their shoulder blades that always match the color of their cloak. A wraith will almost always have a scythe as its weapon of choice. Wraiths are the most aggressive and most magically powerful form of ghost there is, and as such they are usually employed to guard valuables. However, one weakness wraiths possess is that since they manifest physically, they can be killed through normal means.)

Ghouls (Ghouls are the restless souls of those who have committed the unforgivable sin of necrophilia. As such, ghouls have an insatiable hunger for rotting human flesh, and as such are usually found robbing graves for something to eat. Typically, they manifest as tall, gaunt, green humanoids with three talonlike toes. They are almost always holding shovels that are used either as weapons or grave-defiling tools depending on the occasion. Ghouls are more of a nuisance than anything else and are regarded as one of the least dangerous forms of undead. In fact, they only usually attack sentients when they get in their way while grave-robbing.)

Mummies (Mummies are bodies that are preserved in a way to facilitate later recalls as revenants. While those preserved through mummification require much less skill to recall than those whose bodies have rotted away, there is a price for this, as a reawakened mummy will physically manifest as a living version of their mummified body, no matter how shriveled, deformed, or bandaged it is. Natural mummies can occur in places where a body is preserved in ways where the skin is still intact (peat bogs, glaciers, etc.), but both Iteru and Aztlan are known for their man-made mummies.)

Revenants (Revenants are those who have been temporarily recalled from the afterlife through the use of some kind of extremely advanced necromancy. Physically, they generally resemble the way they looked when they were living, but something about them always feels...off in some way (uncanny valley effect). Revenants are usually recalled from the grave to assist the person who summoned them with a task, such as winning a battle for them or providing them with some kind of valuable information that would have otherwise died with them. When recallled from the afterlife, revenants are trapped in the physical realm for however long the spell that recalled them prescribes (there is no known way to recall a revenant on a permanent basis) until the time runs out and they return to the afterlife. As a revenant's spell timer gets closer and closer to running out, their "uncanny valley" effect will get worse and worse until they begin to resemble a moving corpse. If a revenant is killed before their timer ends, they simply return to the afterlife.)

Skeletons (Skeletons, also called calacas on Aztlan, are reanimated bones that have been awakened through necromancy. Like zombies and wights, skeletons do not possess souls of their own and are basically empty shells, totaly subservient to whoever they were created by. As skeletons are just bones and have no flesh, they do not have the same hunger for brains that zombies and wights have, making them far easier to control. However, this comes with a trade-off, as skeletons are generally weaker physically than their counterparts and are easier to destroy. Unlike zombies, which are generally only killable with fire or explosives, skeletons can simply be taken out by shattering their bones. However, skeletons are like wights in that they are usually capable of some degree of magic.)

Vampires (Vampires are the restless souls of those who were denied entry to any afterlife because they have committed the unforgivable sin of rape. Just as they sucked the life out of their victim in life, a vampire is doomed to suck the blood of mortals in death. Vampires are adept users of Moon magic, and as such are excellent shapeshifters. They usually use the form of the person they were when they were alive in order to trick victims, but they are fully capable of taking the form of a bat. Their true form looks sort of halfway between a bat and a human, resembling a very small human with fangs, green skin, and bat wings that allow them to fly. Regardless of which form they use, they possess fangs and do not show up in mirrors, in photos, or on film. Vampires survive by drinking the blood of their victims, and any sentient who is bitten by a vampire will die and become one. As such, vampire outbreaks in densely populated areas are extremely dangerous. As vampires are souls and do not have physical bodies, most conventional attacks do not work on them. However, due to their unholy nature, any consecrated object or weapon is deadly to vampires. In addition, any damage to the heart will destroy a vampire, as the heart is where they store the blood of their victims. While it cannot destroy vampires by itself, garlic works as a vampire repellant. If a vampire is destroyed, their soul simply melts away to Hell.)

Wights (Wights are almost identical to zombies (see below), except a wight is capable of performing any magic the necromancer who created it chooses (as long as they can perform it themselves). As a result, wight infestations are even more dangerous than zombie hordes.)

Zombies (Zombies are reanimated bodies that have been awakened through advanced necromancy. Unlike many forms of undead, a zombie has no soul and is simply an empty shell under the complete control of whoever created it. Since zombies are already dead, they cannot be "killed" in ways that do not involve the complete destruction of the body. As such, explosives and fire are highly recommended when fighting off hordes of zombies. Since zombies are easy to create relative to the cost of destroying them, they are often used by necromancers to guard objects. However, necromancers who choose to create zombies must be careful when creating these creatures, since zombies have a hunger for the brains of the living, and anyone they bite will die and their body will zombify. Those zombified through bites are not under any sort of control and will simply seek out sentients (living or dead) to prey upon and zombify, which can cause a zombie infestation very quickly, ESPECIALLY in areas where large amounts of sentients are buried, such as the Cenote on Aztlan.)

Wendigos (Wendigos are the restless spirits of those who were denied entry to any afterlife because they have committed the unforgivable sin of cannibalism. Wendigos are doomed to a state of perpetual hunger for human flesh, and as such it is wise to kill them on sight. Whenever a Wendigo eats someone, their body grows in proportion to that of the victim so they can never be sated. Wendigos give off a distinct odor of death and decomposition, and it is said that if you are ever alone in the wilderness and smell that, you should run away immediately. Wendigos are generally found in wilderness areas, as they are often the souls of those who resorted to cannibalism while stranded out in the wilderness. However, they can sometimes occur in large numbers where a great famine once struck, with the Haunted Forest on Paxica or post-apocalypse Iteru being examples of this. If a wendigo is killed, as with vampires, their physical form melts away and their spirit winds up in Hell.)


Sir Carson Cook (1/2 Wraith, 1/2 Mortal)


Sentients (Sentients are basically any mortal race, group, or species (i.e. Humans, Aztlanians, Iteru, Guants, etc.) that is capable of human intelligence and coherent speech. While sentient species can interbreed with each other, the resulting offspring do not possess traits of both species, instead having varying chances of inheriting one or the other of their parents' species.) 

Beasts (Beasts are basically just wild and domestic animals. If it does not have human intelligence and cannot speak or understand some form of language, it is a beast.)


Golems (Golems are artificial beings created by using advanced Life magic on an inanimate object (usually something shaped to be humanoid). While Golems possess somewhat human-ike intelligence, they must serve whoever brought them into existence. On Iteru, Golems are referred to as Shabti. Golems do not possess souls, but can perform any magic that their creator can. Iteru and the Ancient Atlanteans in particular made extensive use of Golems.)

Automatons (Automatons are similar to Golems, but are created entirely through clockwork technology. Invented by the Ishgas a little over 200 years ago, Automatons are used for a variety of tasks the Ishgas refuse to do themselves and are basically used as servants. Some Automatons are taught to use magic and are used as cheap guards. However, over the past 30 years, Automatons on Ishga are being phased out in favor of more efficient Robots.)

Robots (Robots are very similar to Automatons, except Robots are computer-based and require much more advanced technology to create and maintain. While Automatons can do very little more than carry out orders, Robots have much more autonomy and can do basically anything they want as long as it does not contradict their programming. While robots do not possess souls and cannot proceed to any afterlife if they are destroyed, they can be revived if their body is rebuilt as long as their memory banks survive. Speaking of which, robots are capable of remembering complex patterns and information unlike their Automaton counterparts, and even possess distinct personalities to a degree. Like Automatons, Robots can be taught to use magic.)