The Prophecy of Two

This is the prophecy written by The Norns that dictates the destinies of Weasel and Tate. The parts written in RED are discovered by Weasel and his friends before they go to Olympia. The parts written in GREEN are discovered by Weasel and his friends on Olympia. How the prophecies were fulfilled is written next to them in orange.

On the 18th day on the first month of the year of the Snake, (Weasel and Tate's birthday according to the Ryuan Zodiac)

One will be born who, through this prophecy, the galaxy shall be made or break. (Whoever of the two who fulfills this prophecy will make or break the galaxy)

The army will take. (Lord Whelan's army lands on Aurea and steals the Key to the Jungle)

The mirror will break. (The force of Tate's transformation to his 2nd form shatters Mirror Lake)

The horn will call, (The Horn of Huitzilopochtli calls to Xibalba, sealing Aztlan's fate)

And the skies will fall. (Xibalba brings down the sky on Aztlan)

The galaxy bends and twists and churns like the waves in an endless sea, (Meaningless)

Bringing the chosen to us three. (Weasel and Tate both go to Ryu 108 and have some interaction with The Norns)

Through a blade of the sharpest steel, (Nate draws forth the Sword of Caliber on Arturia)

The dark beast will fall, and through Shadow, the one must feel. (The Pendragon is killed by the Sword of Caliber, and Weasel learns Shadow Magic via the power absorbed by the Sword of Caliber from the Horned Crown)

Only through treachery (Santa Muerte switches sides)

Can they learn all eight powers and save the galaxy. (Santa Muerte teaches Weasel the power of Death Shadow, which allows him to defeat Tate).